Star Control

A Welcome to the Star Control Founder's Private Forums from Vaelzad!

Published on Tuesday, November 24, 2015 By Vaelzad In Founders Starbase

Hi Everyone! Welcome to the Star Control Founder’s forums!


First and foremost. Thank You for becoming a Star Control Founder!

The purpose of the Founders program is to give your individual voice and feedback weight. We look at every person’s response and opinion and give it consideration. Whether we act on your opinion or not, I guarantee that your voice was heard and considered.

Secondly, please respect the NDA. Being chosen to participate in the Founder’s program is a privilege, and we want to share as much as possible with you. However if you have a hard time restricting your communication about what you see in the forums and the vault exclusively to the Star Control Founder’s forums you will force us to take action.

Third, never hesitate to give us your feedback. If you like, don’t like, or aren’t sure how you feel about something with regards to the game let us know. Be descriptive with your feedback, we want to know what you think and why you think it. Letting us know what you liked and didn’t like and why is 1000x more useful to us than providing a solution on how you would do it. If you feel you have an opinion about the game that you don’t want to express publicly you can always Private Message one of the Devs.

Finally, I’m really excited to share with you the current behind the scenes of what is going on with Star Control. The team has been hard at work for several months now working on the technology behind systems that needed to be built for us to make this awesome game.


Don't forget to check out your exclusive goodies in the Vault!


Let’s talk about Star Control!!!

Andrew Zoboki (aka Vaelzad)

Lead Game Designer