Star Control

Ideas for scanning planets.

Published on Thursday, December 17, 2015 By TheUr-quanMaster In Founders Starbase

Here is an idea regarding planets and the scanning thereof. I definitely agree that extremely exaggerated features should not be viewed from space. That aside, it doesn't mean that the world is boring or featureless, quite the opposite actually. The world can be incredibly diverse and beautiful, some with thick atmospheres, mountains, lakes spires, and a whole bunch of exiting and sometimes exaggerated features, but in order to see them fully the player must initiate a scan.

I don't know about you, but one of the things that made SC2 great was exploring. And a big element in that was the scanning experience. The look of the planet from space gave you a general Idea of what to expect, but to truly delve deep and understand what the planet had to offer you, you had to fire up your incredibly advanced scanners to penetrate the atmosphere and scan the whole surface, to find your minerals, biology, and your artifacts. 

I imagine that SCR can have a similar experience, in order to see the planet in all its glory you have to scan it first. Perhaps going along with the idea and plan of upgrading the mothership (another important factor of SC2) you can give your ship better and better scanning tech, allowing you to scan from further and further distances, with the scan taking less and less time to complete, and perhaps revealing more detailed information on the planets contents, and surface. The joy of finding, and mining, and hunting on many interesting worlds and places was part of what made SC2 (in my "humble" opinion) a great game that was fun to play. 

Please bear in mind that this is just an idea, and a simple one at that. I do not wish to offend. If you wouldn't mind thinking about, and posting feedback about it, that would be great. 

(Originally posted in planet design thread, decided to post here for more detailed discussion and so not to derail that thread)