Star Control

What would be cool...

Published on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 By Astarii In Founders Starbase

What would be really cool is, if you could take abilities from the alien ships you have access to and add them to a main predecessor ship you have, not the human ship but have it be a component that can be swapped on or off. Then there could even be dead races where you could find components to add on to your main ships as well... perhaps some compatibility issues where you would have to explore and find or research being able to equip that technology. Maybe going into some other multiverse / parallel universe and explore. perhaps even one day be the cause of why the predecessors exists, even left or what they are preparing for.  

Anyways, i'm just thinking about end game play as well... its unfortunate that with most games, when you get to the end, there nothing else to do, in most, when you get to the end its over. I would love it if you could start over but have a little bit of a bonus to what you did prior existence/parallel universe... so this second time around its a little easier (because of a minor racial bonus or something). anyways... I would love other people thoughts as well