Founders Chapter 1 Update -- August 10th
Published on Friday, August 10, 2018 By
Hey folks,
We just posted an update to the Chapter 1 build. Here's a summary of the changes
- Lots of new stamps.
- Fixed more props to better align to surfaces
- Changed small rocks to align w/ the terrain.
- Remove reduced planet wind speed, heat damage and toxicity values
- Setting up toxic, wind, and heat resistances differently, so that it takes away from the total level, not a percentage of damage.
- Drones now blow up if you get too close
- Adjustments to campaign starting point and camera starting distance.
- Implemented new warning bars on dangerous planets and fixed alignment and sizing of controls on right hand side as things were inconsistent and altered crew and fuel tooltips.
- Venus should now show some protection against hear (grey part of bar) and complete against the toxic gasses (grey covering the red parts of the bar)
- Docking bays provide more space
- Hyperdrive Accelerator count increased to 5 (was 4)
- Added a Hyperdrive Accelerator II
- Balance pass at Lander components.
- Ship ring now spins slowly
- Added some new VFX variations
- Cleaned up controller support Custom Game Setup screen
- Timed autosave now keep the last three save games (so you'll have saves from 5, 10, and 15 minutes ago)
- Added in animated background to starbases, Added in faction names on hypergate map,
- Fixed mouse input problems for fleet battles
- Added controller support for the Codex Panel
- Don't pop the dialog scene multiple times when dialog is done
- Don't allow the user to keep pressing number keys to progress dialog once they've picked an option for that set
- Fixed a bug where it appeared you had no crew left when in reality you had just their arms and legs.
- Fixed typos
- You can now toggle Sector Map with the M key
- Mousewheel on planets behaves like 1, 2, 3, 4 to change the camera mode.
- Added new loading screen art.
Fleet Battles (Adventure / Stand Alone)
- Added pilot image for the Scryve probe
- Got rid of the dorky "Player 1 AI" checkbox and allows you to just press on the "Human Control" button to switch. Also fixes controller compatibility related to toggling player 1
- Player can choose the AI difficulty of both ai players in AI vs AI fleet battles
- Lowered projectile speed of Scout Laser, Gattling Laser & Heavy Gattling Laser to match Rapid Laser. Increased damage of Torpedeo.
- Changed Drenkend Bomber's weapons, lowered collision box and increased battery regen.