Star Control

Star Control: Origins v1.2 arrives with Adventure Studio accessibility updates and more!

Published on Thursday, November 15, 2018 By Tatiora In Star Control News

Access Adventure Studio from the main menu and
make your own mods quickly and easily!

The v1.2 update addresses player feedback about the collecting and selling of resources, adds upgrades and special rewards to the Terran Colonization quests, and more. For a full list of v1.2 details, view the changelog at the bottom of the post.

Using Adventure Studio, create your own star systems, quests, characters, and much more in Star Control: Origins. You can upload and use other mods as well with the Multiverse option to engage with infinite new stories and experiences created by you and other players!


v1.2 Update Highlights:
Adventure Studio
Use this standalone editor to create your own characters, quests, and dialogues

Try out all the easy-to-use tools of Adventure Studio in v1.2! Easy and straightforward, players will be able to access the editor from the main menu and begin using it right away. Modding is important to us here at Stardock, so these tools are simple to use for everyone.

Browse (and upload your own!) the player-created mods on the Steam Workshop through the Multiverse option on the Star Control: Origins main menu. If you're looking to get started with crafting your own quests, dialogues, and characters, check out the modding guide here!


Interface Improvements
Never accidentally sell your important resources again

Accidentally selling entire chunks of important resources is a thing of the past! Now, if you get a quest to collect a resource, the quest automatically locks that resource to prevent it from being sold. You can manually unlock it, just don't blame us! By default, non-conventional resources (in other words, the good stuff) are locked as well. We have been listening to your feedback, and now you can sell resources one at a time and get detailed information on planets by mousing over them.


Terran Colony Upgrades
Refuel your ships, recruit additional crew, and add new ships to your fleet

Completing the Terran Colonization quests now comes with some handsome rewards! Not only can you refuel and re-crew your vessels, but as the colonies develop, they also provide individual rewards, such as specialized weapons, ships, and lander components. See the changelog below for additional details on colony rewards!


Ready to check out v1.2 and wow the Star Control community with your own adventures?
Check out our modding guide here to get started! 

SCO v1.2 SCO v1.2 SCO v1.2 SCO v1.2 SCO v1.2 SCO v1.2

Haven't gotten into Star Control: Origins yet? Click here to go on an epic adventure and
start crafting incredible ships and stories today!
Or, add us to your Steam wishlist.




  • Adventure Studio - Launch this standalone editor from the crafting option on the main menu to create your own characters, quests, and dialogues.
  • Interface Improvements - Sell individual resources, lock (and manually unlock) resources required for quests, and more.  
  • Terran Colony Upgrades - Human colonies are now waypoints for refueling ships, recruiting more crew, and adding new ships to your fleet.

Terran Colony Upgrades

  • Provide free crew to the player
  • Heal human ships

Each colony now also provides a certain reward:

Colony 1 (Epsilon Trireme: Epsilon Trireme 1)

  • Gives the player a Flanking Nuke
  • Unlocks Terran Scout for purchase
  • Gives the player several Terran scouts

Colony 2 (Sirius A: P3X-411)

  • Gives you a free choice between max level Fleet Deflector, Fleet Accelerator and Fleet Weapon Amplifier

Colony 3 (Ross 128: Planet Ebru)

  • Unlocks Terran Cruiser Mark II for purchase. Gives free choice between Lander components


  • Lander cargo has (almost) infinite cargo space. The lander can now carry up to 1000 minerals, provided there is room in your flagship.
  • Landing cargo modules are no longer for sale; existing ones can be sold. 


  • Adventure Studio is ready for use!  Go to the crafting menu to launch this editor to create your own quests and dialogs.  
  • Added a button to disable all mods in the Multiverse screen. This calls a new function in the INI settings to clear out the list of enabled mods, and refreshes the UI.
  • Any mod that does not fit into "Adventure", "Maps", or "Params" is now put into a new "Misc" tab
  • Enabled controller support for the Multiverse screen and adjusted the spacing and padding of several controls to facilitate UI Navigation
  • Made player ship and ship components moddable

Interface Improvements

  • Implemented new lock for resources so you can't accidentally sell them
  • Added the ability to sell resources one-by-one
  • Mousing over planets now provides detail information about that planet
  • While on autopilot, your destination is shown on the map
  • Homeworlds now get auto-pinned when you're told to go there


  • The Mu'Kay won't hassle you late game
  • Fixed some weirdness updating enabled Mods UI when Subscribing/Unsubscribing
  • Fixing the end-game behavior for 4 Measured ships who live in a system far from home.
  • Scripting fix for Alpha Satori if you arrive at the final battle having somehow sold/removed your Pinthi dispersal module.
  • Moving a Maelnir ship so it doesn't block a planet (Zeta Mus III)
  • Hid all of the crashed ships on Gas Giants (the mysterious interesting objects you all found too quickly) until humans can develop the tech to safely land there.  
  • You can not open the Origin before the Tywom trial and cause bad things to happen
  • GOG: enabled the "Learn More" button that was accidentally disabled missing from GOG Multiverse screen
  • Fixed a bad Xraki ship thumbnail
  • Fix for players unable to complete the Tywom Trial