Expand the universe of Star Control: Origins with over 900 community mods!
Published on Tuesday, November 20, 2018 By
Unique mission mods, powerful ship mods, game-altering mods,
and more are available on the Steam Workshop
Adventure Studio, the ship builder, and building editor are allowing fans to experiment and create some pretty imaginative things! We’ve seen some pretty fantastic mods since Star Control: Origins released in September, and we wanted to share our favorites with you.
<-- Story Mods -->
Mods that alter the story can contain unique characters, plots, objectives, and more, giving you even more reasons to explore the furthest corners of the galaxy. Some questlines can also be a great source of extra RU if you’d like to do less gathering on planets. Check out some of our top story mods:
Bounty Hunter by Kael A Criminal Archive has been added to the Epsilon Garanulus system. The Measured use it to track the universe’s most dangerous criminals. Go there to accept bounties, but beware that bounty hunters might be searching for you as well. |
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Galactic Zoo by Kael The Tywom are building a Galactic Zoo space station in the Eta Repeculae solar system. They need you to help gather creatures from around the galaxy to fill it. |
<-- Gameplay Mods -->
Mods that alter the gameplay can take away elements you don't like bothering with, such as fuel consumption or resource gathering, leaving you time to focus on the mechanics you do enjoy. Below are some of our top choices for gameplay modding:
Enhanced Fleet Battles by Thima Time to start revising your strategies - this mod unlocks all ships from the main game and makes them playable in Fleet Battles! In addition, it enables additional ship components for building custom ships, giving you even more possibilities with your designs. |
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Free Landers by SetecX Crash onto planets with reckless abandon! With this mod, landers cost nothing at starbases, and your flagship can carry 14 at a time, making trips back for replenishing far less frequent. |
No Fuel Consumption by SetecX Tired of having to wait for the Tywom to send a rescue vessel when you run out of gas? Apply this mod to get rid of the need to consume fuel while you fly around the galaxy, making pit stops a thing of the past! You’ll never have to listen to the Tywom’s fan-fiction again, which they think is an awfully big shame… |
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<-- Ship Mods -->
Mods that add brand new ships built using the Star Control: Origins ship designing tools add exciting new opportunities for new challenges in Fleet Battles. You can use these ships in a single or multiplayer battle and trounce a few enemies with them. Below are some of our favorites:
U.E.S Dark Shadow 2.0 by Talonbrush This sleek ship is fast-moving and strong, with a viciously long-range carver beam as its primary weapon. It can also shoot black holes and features a tight turn rate, giving it the flexibility necessary for out-maneuvering its enemies. |
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Probe Bot* by Lazy Elf This little and quick-moving ship might be watching you*, but it’s hard to say. It uses the de-energizer bolt to stop its enemies dead in their tracks, gets in nice and close, and then… KA-BOOM! We don’t recommend using the ‘self-destruct’ feature when the Probe Bot is your last remaining ship... |
Escaped Pinthi Experiment by Mobius Frrrrriiieeennnddd… No one really knows what happened to this thing, but it was probably pretty awful. The Escaped Pinthi Experiment fires ink blobs at an astonishingly quick rate while it summons its Pinthi brethren in droves to finish off its opponents. This is a good ‘gun and run’ type of ship for players who enjoy that strategy and don’t mind looking at this poor, twisted organic vessel... |
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