Star Control

Star Control: Origins v1.5 opt-in

Published on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 By shaw In Star Control

Hey folks, 

Welcome to Star Control: Origins v1.5 opt-in. We made a significant improvement in our rendering technology.  Not only do our leaders and ships look better, but the game uses less memory and has better overall performance.  

To enable the patch, please do the following:

  • Select Star Control: Origins in your Steam Library list
  • Right-click and select Properties
  • Select the BETAS tab
  • From the drop-down, select "opt-in" and click Close (if you don't see this option, restart Steam)

Steam should pull down the changed files; if you ever want to go back, do the same as above but select "default".

Please note: The opt-in is an early preview of the next update and you might experience bugs or other issues. We encourage players who try the opt-in to report any issues to the forums.

Change Log

  • Major visual overhaul of the leader's conversation graphics. Not only you can see more detail but the framerate is much smoother.  
  • Ships also benefit from this visual overhaul. You'll see more detail and have a better performance during battles.  
  • Significant reduction in memory usage.

Update 10/05/2021

  • Fixed a crash when dying on planets
  • Fixed scene transition crash
  • Fixed an issue that made planetary landers sometimes flicker
  • Restored the glowing stripes on the Mukay Leader

Please be sure to restart Steam to get the update!