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Start8 v1.03 Released-Bringing the Windows 8 Start Menu Back!

Article posted on 11/15/2012

The v1.03 update for Start8 has been released today with many improvements and fixes such as drag and drop support for start menu items, control which taskbar the start button appears on, expanded search options, new themes, and more! Start8 is the "best solution" for the missing Start Menu on Windows8 by USA Today, Forbes, CBS News and Lifehacker!

Highlights of the v1.03 update:

  • New Desktop page in config UI
  • New options to control which taskbar the start button appears on
  • New UI option to control if the bottom left hand corner hotspot functions
  • New UI option to hide Windows 8 Modern UI applications from the Windows 7 start menu
  • Added new theme option for Windows 7 solid (non DWM style)
  • New option to toggle if the user picture should be visible or not

These are just a few of the many changes. You can view the full changelog here.

Registered users can download the update from their account page at or via Stardock Central.

A free trial and more information can be found at the Start8 website. For more Windows 8 customization, come check out our new Decor8 app.