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Now Available: WindowFX v6.1

Article posted on 2/16/2021

The WindowFX v6.1 update is now available
Adds enhanced support for animations and updated settings for your high DPI monitors
Supercharge your Windows experience with WindowFX! This one-of-a-kind program adds an amazing assortment of features to Windows, from custom animations all the way to other options like darkening inactive windows or customizing the transparency and size of your windows, and more. 
WindowFX 6.1

Our recent update to WindowFX includes*:

  • Fix for UI at 125% dpi.
  • Performance tweaks for animations.
  • Fixed for mixed DPI setups.
  • Fixes for things not filling the screen correctly when set to half screen.
  • Animations are set to run at 120hz now instead of 60.
  • Now supports animating Universal apps for window dragging and command prompts now support animation.
With WindowFX, you can:
  • Choose from over 30 animated effects for windows when they open, close, minimize, and restore.
  • Re-size your windows and control how the mouse cursor is displayed.
  • Modify the color, opacity, and size of your windows using dynamic shadows.
  • Double-click to hide icons, hide text labels and shortcut overlays.
  • And more!


WindowFX v6.1


Don't have WindowFX yet?
Get it now!

*Please note that v6.1 build does not make it so that WindowFX can animate Start menus skinned with WindowBlinds on Start10/Windows 10 when blur is used. This update also does not make Skype animate with WindowBlinds.