Start11 Changelog
Start11 v2.11 Changelog (Released 09/09/2024)
UI: 2.11
Stardock and Steam
Resolved high cpu usage issue seen on some machines
Resolved positioning of the seach box field when not using rounded taskbar settings
Reduced cpu overhead when taskbar is at the bottom of the screen.
Start11 v1.55 Changelog (Released 08/22/2024)
UI: 1.55
Stardock and Steam
Fixes the ‘core isolation’ showing in search
Enhanced Start11 control panel search to include a significant number of missing legacy control panel items
Resolved issue with MS teams icon when pinned on the enhanced taskbar being smaller than expected
Resolved issue with always combine mode using wrong icon for run window and control panel when using enhanced taskbar on Win11
Resolved changing icons for apps in combined taskbar mode not always being respected
Resolved issue with missing widgets button when left / centre taskbar buttons mode with enhanced taskbar on Win11
Resolved network/sound taskbar popup not being positioned correctly on Win11 taskbars when at the top of the screen on newer insider builds
Start11 2.1 Changelog (Released 08/20/2024)
UI: 2.1
Stardock and Steam
Resolved issue with right-clicking on secondary monitor taskbar when a window on top causing issues with primary monitor taskbar
Improved handling of Windows Security setting shortcuts for search
Resolved issue with icons on right-click menus sometimes being missing on shell extensions when shown as a Start11 right-click menu
Adjusted spacing for the weather widget when on the right with enhanced taskbar
ARM support is now in all versions (trial, paid, and ODNT)
Resolved issue with right-click menus when the taskbar is at the top of the screen - requires enhanced taskbar enabled
Resolved issue with missing widgets button when left/center taskbar buttons mode with the enhanced taskbar on Win11
Added feature: holding down the SHIFT key when clicking on a popup menu will open that in Explorer when clicked rather than opening the submenu
Resolved issue with always combine mode using the wrong icon for the run window and control panel when using enhanced taskbar on Win11
Resolved issue with the position of the search field on the taskbar when using rounded taskbar options sometimes
Resolved the issue with the position of the search field on the taskbar when using a wider start button
Resolved issue with pin installed app menu not always working when on slower machines (largely ARM)
Resolved a crash issue with menus when changing icons for a shortcut on slower (ARM) machines
Resolved issue with icons being smaller than intended when using the resize menu for anything other than small when using Win11/Win App / Win Pro / Win Launcher styles at higher DPI scales
Enabled ARM build to load up custom tile images
Resolved issue with some app icons in non-combine mode on the taskbar having darker edges than intended
Enabled universal folder for Win7 all programs in menu mode
Resolved issue with control panel menu popup having some broken links for third-party control panel icons
Resolved a small clipping issue on the mouseover highlight of items at the top of the Win11 style expanding folder on the start menu
Resolved issue with default to all programs list in Win7/Modern styles going back to non-all programs list when doing a search and pressing escape once
Resolved fullscreen Win10 style menu cutting the top of the menu off if autohide mode in Start11 is enabled
Resolved fullscreen Win10 style menu having extra transparent background in error on ARM setups
Enabled all programs menu on Win7/Modern styles when using Win10 style list to support the Universal Applications folder option
Enabled some right-click options on Win10 style all programs list when using Win7/Modern style
Enhanced Start11 control panel search to include a significant number of missing legacy control panel items
Resolved the issue with the Microsoft Teams icon when pinned on the enhanced taskbar being smaller than expected
Resolved enter not opening shutdown/sign out menus when using some menu styles
Resolved issue with the keyboard not selecting items on the shutdown menu using Win7/Modern styles when opened via the keyboard
Adding links to folders now stores paths in a more portable manner
Resolved changing icons for apps in combined taskbar mode not always being respected
Added support for Networx taskbar network traffic graph with enhanced taskbar enabled
Resolved network/sound taskbar popup not being positioned correctly on Win11 taskbars when at the top of the screen on newer insider builds
Resolved excess CPU usage on Win11 occasionally
Resolved recent files showing in the documents list
Stopped documents/pictures/videos showing in Start11 search for files
Start11 v2.08 Changelog (Released 05/14/2024)
UI: 2.08
Stardock and Steam
Resolved fonts link in control panel popup menu and also removed additional incorrect entry on Win11
Small tweak to resolve a very small resource leak for the recent docs list.
UI: 2.08
Stardock and Steam
Fixes suggested All Apps showing duplicates sometimes
Object Desktop labs’ is now called ‘Object Desktop Insider’ where applicable in Start11
Resolved a crash issue with Start11 Enhanced taskbar in certain edge cases when closing an app after Windows Explorer had just restarted
Tweaked enhanced taskbar drag & drop to accept more types of dragged data.
Japanese updated. Credit DiGS-O5
Start11 v2.07 Changelog (Released 04/10/2024)
General release
UI: 2.07
Stardock and Steam
UI: 2.07
Stardock and Steam
Fixed focus remaining on shutdown and logout buttons once menu was opened via clicking
Resolved some taskbar icons showing as folder icon when using Enhanced taskbar and always group mode enabled.
Resolved taskbar autohide hiding when the taskbar thumbnail or right click menu are open
Improved detection of taskbar icon changes
UI: 2.07
Stardock and Steam
Resolved explorer crash when using run as administrator and open options from right-click menus
Tweaked taskbar icon management
Addressed issue with very short Korean app names (< 5 chars) not showing in the search results correctly.
Resolved dragging items on ‘all apps’ list causing accidental temporary pins
Dragging all apps list items no longer leaves highlight sometimes
Resolved blank line on the screen when maximized and reserving screen space with autohide taskbar
Dragging ‘all apps’ list items no longer shows an enlarged icon in error sometimes.
UI: 2.07
Stardock and Steam
Resolved mouse wheel triggering scrolling of combo boxes in config when wanting to scroll the pages
Resolved a small square paint issue on the first tab when active and using transparency in the tab
Resolved Everything search results sometimes showing unexpected results using the Start11 style search
Resolved clicking very edge of start button on Win11 sometimes not opening Start11 menu
Resolved VMWare Player/ VMware workstation interfering with opening of Start11 menu on Win11 sometimes
UI: 2.07
Stardock and Steam
Address some search issues in user report:
Resolved some search issues with the path being included in full by mistake when performing matching.
Also added registry key S11_UseMostRecentRunForSearchTerm which when created in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 and set to "0" will stop Start11 promoting the most recently run app for a given search term
UI: 2.07
Stardock and Steam
Resolved Win7/Modern menu vanishing on certain scaling factors when entering search mode or expanding for jumplists
Modified taskbar handling so if a jumplist is open it will not get closed by a thumbnail popup on Win11 with enhanced mode taskbar
Adds in checkbox to control if the autohide option on the right-click taskbar menu should show or not. Only visible in UI when on Win11 and when enhanced taskbar is enabled.
Tweaks to taskbar animations
Tweaks to universal app icon loading and launching to handle a possible edge case
Resolved autohide on top aligned secondary taskbar not always allowing maximized windows to fill all the space
Resolved autohidden taskbar on secondary monitor not updating enhanced taskbar contents for changes that happened whilst the taskbar was hidden
Adjusted the height of the small taskbar when using Win10 style buttons to be slightly taller so the clock isn't clipped
Resolved potential loop paint issue with the taskbar on initial startup when in enhanced taskbar mode
Resolved a taskbar icon load issue on initial startup on some machines for pinned items / combined groups
Resolved a timing-related deadlock on login
Resolved issue with top autohide taskbar not always allowing maximizing on the entire screen
Tweak to startup code to workaround a potential deadlock issue
Resolved changing icon for the universal apps menu on the quick links menu
Resolved issue with timing sensitivity detecting SAB which caused S11 to disable features when it didn't need to
Resolved the possibility of an issue with clicking the shutdown button performing a default action in error on Win10/11/App styles rather than showing a menu
Resolved missing menu icons on keyboard opening of shutdown menu when using Windows 7/Modern menus
Stopped shutdown menu auto-expanding on the right-hand side for Win10/11/Pro/Launcher/App styles as was not supposed to. Adding S11_AutoExpandShutdownOtherStyles = 1 to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 would enable it for other menu styles
Resolved appwiz.cpl and similar links going missing in S11 search, but not S10 style search
Resolved potential crashes when searching for files in the path
Resolved thumbnail vertical offset when using on-top autohide taskbar
Resolved right-click jumplist vertical offset when using on-top autohide taskbar
Resolved issue with Win+X not always working correctly with the mouse when using an always-on-top autohide taskbar
Resolved potential resource leak for taskbar icons
Tweaks to taskbar icon handling
Resolved pinned taskbar menus overlapping the taskbar when used with a top autohide taskbar
Polish updated: Credit: BartoszJedynak
Japanese updated. Credit: DiGS-O5
Added cs.lng and updated cs-cz. Credit: ludan84
One new string was added to en.lng. Installed file updated as well as the GH repository for the Stardock supported languages.
Start11 2.06 Changelog (Released 02/28/2024)
General release
Stardock and Steam
Version updated:
UI: 2.06
Start11Config: Stardock and Steam
A fix for the blank universal app icons when new accounts.
Resolved issue with page not translating in all places
Resolved issue introduced in earlier betas when removing a universal app from the recent apps list on Win7/Modern menu styles
Win7/Modern menus use the old UWA popup menu for universal apps now, in10/Win11/App/Launcher/Pro menus use the new
New universal apps menu filtering tweaked slightly
Added registry key to hide > on Win7/Modern menus so jumplists do not show. Create this in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 called S11_HideJumpListOnWin7ModernMenus = 1
Resolved overlapping tooltips on tray expansion when the taskbar is at the top of the screen on Windows 11
Resolved universal apps popup menu being empty sometimes
Removed incorrect right-click menu on universal apps list
Language Updates
Updated Spanish
Credit: FJMatad
Version updated:
UI: 2.06
Stardock and Steam
Resolved '&' showing in the right-click file properties menu on some systems
Added translation support for (page 1) etc on pinned menu
Resolved software re-adding pinned items group when the page only contained read-only groups
Resolved extra All Apps link showing in certain edge case situations when using Win11/Win11 Pro/Launcher menu styles.
Resolved UK English showing on US installs incorrectly
Resolved issue with everything search results showing white text with Win7 menu style and dark taskbar with accent color used on the taskbar when using Start10 style search
Resolved issue with Start11 search mode for apps not being aware of accents. This has been changed to match the rest of the search and all accents are now ignored entirely by default. Creating the registry key S11_AlwaysStripAccentsInSearch and giving it a value of "0" will match accents but in a case-insensitive way now.
Resolves issue with an incorrect version of English appearing in the config menu.
Language Updates
One string to the lng file and supported languages updated internally and on GitHub
Version updated
UI: 2.06
Stardock and Steam
Resolve a crash on search when not using 3rd party Everything app
Version updated
UI: 2.06
Start11Config.exe tweak to sync pins logic to prevent constant syncing issues for some people.
Resolved issue with everything search results using Start10 style search when in dark mode having black text
Added support for TrafficMonitor taskbar integration when using an enhanced taskbar. When using non-enhanced mode the taskbar buttons will go under it if the taskbar is full, this is a limitation in how that utility works on Windows 11 with or without Start11. With an enhanced mode taskbar, this will not happen.
Adjusted combined taskbar buttons in Win10 style to stop the line at the bottom of multiple items merging together
Detects SAB handling taskbar and will disable all Start11 taskbar features to ensure compatibility
The last mouse-highlighted item on the start menu is correctly reset on the menu reopen now
Resolved wrong text color in some situations on mouseover of all programs list when very slightly off the selected folder
Resolved a small resource leak with tile images in some situations
Resolved some small potential memory leaks
Further tweaks to sync pins logic for triggering
Added option for autohide to reserve 1 pixel of screen space if people encounter issues
Removes improper shortcuts that were installed with Start11 2.05
Stardock Start11.lnk
Laguage Updates
The 8 supported languages have been updated with unreviewed translations for the new en.lng block. For the history and to contribute, please see:
Version updated
UI: 2.06
Start11Config.exe released on Stardock and Steam
NEW * Added toggle for autohide on taskbar right-click menu
NEW * Added new option to set a tab as the default tab to show in a group regardless of the last tab open
NEW * Added universal apps, all apps, and steam apps as options for quick access shortcut menu links
Resolved issue with right-click menus on taskbar showing separators one menu item lower than it should
Added string registry key to disable the above HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 S11_ShowAutoHideOnTaskbar = 1
Added string registry key to use Win32 menus on right click on the taskbar to allow third party extension of the menu. Use HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 S11_UseOldRightClickMenus = 1
Resolved issue with some pinned items on Win10/11/Apps/Launcher/Pro menus not showing Jumplists when they can on right-click
Adjusted small mode taskbar to better position overlay icon
Adjusted small mode taskbar with Win10 style buttons to ensure the selection indicator line is always visible
Improved automatic detection of Touch mode taskbar
Resolved excess rounding of tile images when using Win10 style
Resolved alpha channel issue when resizing some tile images smaller
Resolved issue with some groups not correctly showing in the Pin to submenu
Improved drag & drop of icons in groups
Stopped read-only groups from allowing you to drag icons over each other when shift is held down
Option to open on all apps page now works on Windows Pro and Windows Launcher styles
Resolved "Use a custom menu background" option showing as disabled on open of config even when enabled
Resolved issue with custom accent color impacting Win10 item text on mouseover
Resolved issue with some custom accent colors causing invisible icons on mouseover on quick access shortcut list, all programs list folders, shutdown button
Windows 10 style more button links shown in search results now look like buttons matching the look on the other styles
Icons will now swap to dark options (where provided) when a custom accent colour is in use that requires it on mouseover
Resolved issue with taskbar shortcuts that have been deleted by the user or an uninstaller incorrectly (vs being unpinned) showing as unremovable white icons on the taskbar in enhanced taskbar mode. The icons will now remain and they can be removed by right click unpin for all new cases and old ones will simply no longer show at all.
Swapping taskbar touch mode / not no longer requires an explorer restart
Resolved issue with custom menu background not correctly painting after menu swaps from one dpi screen to another
Stopped all apps list on Windows App style menu from taking mouse focus when a menu overlapped that window sometimes
Tweaked Start11 autohide mode to no longer reserve any space at the bottom of the screen. This does mean the very bottom pixel of a maximized app isn't clickable, but this shouldn't be an issue as click targets should never be so small.
Tweaked overlay icon on taskbar buttons to be slightly bigger to match Windows 11 unless using small taskbar size
Resolved issue with taskbar thumbnail popups not always showing again after a primary monitor swap
Resolved issue with right-click menus on taskbar showing separators one menu item lower than it should
Added toggle for autohide on taskbar right-click menu
Added string registry key to disable the above HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 S11_ShowAutoHideOnTaskbar = 1
Added string registry key to use Win32 menus on right-click on the taskbar to allow third-party extension of the menu. Use HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 S11_UseOldRightClickMenus = 1
Resolved issue with some pinned items on Win10/11/Apps/Launcher/Pro menus not showing Jump lists when they can on right-click
Resolved hang issue when Win11/App/Pro/Launcher start menu has no groups that are not read only. This could have happened in other situations but this was the particular one found.
Resolved issue with Import settings on login Business edition feature not working correctly in all situations
Resolved issue with restore settings in config not telling Start11 to reload the groups if the menu mode was the same
Also resolved an issue with the experimental load tile images option loading white images for apps like MS word etc.
Language localization updates
Chinese - Simplified:
Start11 v2.05 Changelog (Released 01/30/2024)
Stardock: Released
Steam: Released
Version updated
UI: 2.05
Start11Config.exe resolves an issue with jittering on the taskbar when in experimental center mode with certain non-integer scaling factors and depending on how many open windows there were.
Resolves a potential resource leak though highly unlikely to happen.
Fixed a painting issue that the UI had on scaling factors of 283% and higher
Version updated
UI: 2.05
Start11Config.exe issue with block behind some taskbar icons in enhanced mode
Adjusted overlay icon positions on enhanced taskbar
Resolved issue with custom tile images not appearing to save correctly when in a folder (they did but didn't show until a sign-out)
Resolved the issue with nvidia GeForce Experience overlay stopping the taskbar autohide working correctly
Version updated
UI: 2.05
Start11Config.exe issue with Win10 center taskbar mode not working on the primary display in
Resolved issue with tabs jumping around when switching tabs if data in the registry was saved in the wrong order due to an older build of S11
Stopped pinned websites being added to suggested lists as not apps
Resolved issues with the corruption of text on occasion
Language Updates
Korean: Credit
Chinese - Simplified: Credit:
Spanish: Credit
French: Credit
New text block for 2.05 added to en.lng and the 8 other supported languages. Changes can be seen at the bottom of the en.lng file in \Start11\Lang\en.lng
Translations updated on GH project
Program Changes
Version updated
UI: 2.05
Start11Config.exe issue with Win10 style folders sometimes painting the icons too far left on multi-column setups
Performance improvements for initial startup time on login
Resolved Taskbar clipping of system tray icons popup arrow on certain scaling factors
Resolved issue with experimental mode centred taskbar buttons getting stuck in a repositioning loop on very odd non-standard scaling factors
Resolved a possible issue of a right-click jumplist being stuck at the top of the screen in very rare circumstances
Resolved issue with centered taskbar buttons losing one of the buttons on another line incorrectly when the icons have to be shifted along due to insufficient space for center mode
Resolved issue with refreshing custom tile images via the refresh icons right-click menu item where sometimes icons remained blank in error
Added an option to pin a web URL to Start11 directly
Added option to make Start11 obtain the favicon for a given pinned URL automatically (off by default as will make internet connections)
Adjustments to potentially help with being unable to drag the top line of the top group around sometimes
Resolved issue with Winkey opening the Start11 menu when Winkey set to open the Microsoft Windows Start menu and closing the menu
Resolved issue with icons being larger on non-Win10 style menus when synced from OS pins when using Win10 menu
Pinned items set to secondary only will now not jump back to primary display if you have only one monitor
Added option to make pins show on secondary unless you only have one monitor when they go on the primary instead
Further autohide taskbar tweaks to resolve ShareX blocking autohide taskbar from unhiding on Win11
Version Updated
Start11 UI \ About: 2.05Support added for swiping up from the bottom of a tablet screen to open the start menu
Resolved open file location not working on Steam shortcuts
Make all programs list scroll to the top when using search on it to stop things being offscreen on occasion
Further autohide adjustments
Resolved issue with not being able to use Win11 style folders with the Win10 menu
Prevented refresh of recent docs whilst subfolders are open
Win11 style folder animations speeded up slightly
Resolved issue causing folder animations to run slower than they should on lower-end hardware
Resolved memory leak in Explorer on Windows 11
Added Pin to Start option for menu mode all programs with Win7/Modern style menus
Resolved issue with pinned items set to show on all monitors
Small tweaks to autohide mode to see if it helps with it not working right when no windows are open at all
Resolved notification center appearing in the wrong place on Win11 in certain circumstances
Resolved custom tile PNG loading corrupting the alpha channel
Made right-click open animations 20% quicker
Resolved autohide + center mode on Win11 having screen dirt sometimes
Start11 UI \ About: 2.04Start11 v2 for Business made available
Resolved Win10 folder mode when using Win11/Pro/Launcher/App style menus causing icons to be placed on top of each other
Resolved unpinning from Start11 not unpinning from OS on some versions of Windows
Resolved Start10 style search showing double entries for Universal apps
Improved filtering on recent documents menus
Resolved issue with sniping tool not showing on taskbar correctly after taking a screenshot with enhanced taskbar enabled
Resolved issue with top aligned taskbar and Win+X menu having an offset for mouseover
Suggested apps now filters for uninstalled apps / missing shortcuts
Suggested apps refresh correctly on app launch now
Resolved recent documents list not refreshing as often as it should for Win11/Pro/App/Launcher menu styles
10) Enhanced Start11 style search to factor in filename and path for apps
Resolved issue with taskbar combining only pinned items causing extra space to be reserved that is not needed
Tweaked everything support to also support 1.5a if installed
Resolved memory leak on reloading the all-apps list
Resolved issue with right-hand side flicker when closing an app when using experimental center mode for the enhanced taskbar
Tweaks to how the taskbar shows over games
Updated build again with a fix for double touch input on the enhanced taskbar when tapping very quickly.
The new feature this enables is the import of settings on login (or explorer restart). This will zap all settings and replace them with the data in the file provided.
The key for this is SettingsImportPath which takes a full path to a settings backup saved from S11. This is stored here : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8
Updated French from community submission Portuguese from community submission Swedish from community submission
Start11 v1.50 Changelog (Released 1/29/2024)
Version Updated
UI: 1.50
Released on Stardock and Steam: 1/29/2024
This resolves an issue with uncombined taskbar buttons on Win11 having an incorrect background on icons on the taskbar
Small tweaks to search handling
Resolved resource leak on open / close right click menus
Resolved possible cause of start menu icons becoming blank after icon refresh
Tweaks to animation system to remove excess paints
Enhanced wheel scrolling performance and smoothness
Tweaks to jumplist icon image loading
Enhanced custom tile loading to handle alpha channels better
Resolved issue with not loading up the correct thumbnail for Apple iTunes apps
Tweaks to OS pin syncing based on v2 changes
Enhanced touch scrolling of lists
Tweak to taskbar right click logic to handle failure case so a menu shows
Taskbar repaint logic tweaked to match v2 changes
Resolved memory leak on 23H2
Resolved issue with sniping tool taskbar buttons going missing after sniping sometimes until focus is given to the window again
Taskbar code on Win11 now handles Copilot button correctly when only this button is shown on the taskbar
Fix icons being blank for edge apps in some cases
Fix for double touch input on taskbar buttons sometimes
Misc other bug fixes
User-submitted language updates
UI still reads 1.47. Start11Config.exe \ properties \ details \ File version:
Fix for the high CPU usage issue
Another fix for a possible high CPU usage if old Start10 style search is used
Start11 2.03 Changelog (Released 11/21/2023)
Released to live.
Version updated:
UI 2.03
Start11Config.exe language localization pass included. Please click here for more details.
Resolved a possible crash when combining two groups as a tab group if no other tab groups exist
Resolved issue 2.02 beta introduced with a crash when the icon cache changed on Win10
Resolved issue where a Fence as a group would not save the number of rows it should show correctly
Resolved an issue with an icon cache flush causing wrong icons to show in the UI sometimes
Added registry key "S11_PutUniversalAppsInFolderByDefault" which when given a value of "1" will put universal apps in a Universal apps folder in the Win10/11/Pro/Launcher/App menus. Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8
Added registry key "S11_NoMenuAnimations" which when given a value of "1" which will turn off right click menu animations. Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8
Some tweaks to enhanced taskbar to prevent apps from sending too many messages to the taskbar causing it to slow down
Recently installed now correctly shows Universal apps installed from the store
Recently installed apps (Win10/11/Pro/App/Launcher) menus now only show items as 'recent' within 1.5 days of install
Recent items popup menus now filter out some additional items
Start11 Config version updated to (2.02 in UI)
Resolved issue with global font scaling in Start11 being deactivated briefly when opening right-click menus
Added detection for Fences 5 installs when Fences 4 had not been installed before
Resolved issue with Fences 5 show desktop button on the taskbar not working with Enhanced taskbar enabled
Resolved taskbar icon changes not always being picked up correctly by Start11 with Enhanced taskbar enabled
Resolved missing icons on the Start10 style search
Added everything support to Start10 style search mode
Resolved issue with shutdown and signout menus in Win10 style sometimes losing focus to what is under them
Resolved the issue of having too many items in a folder resulting in being unable to see all of the items. It will now scroll them instead.
Resolved autohide taskbar showing up on secondary when start menu open on the primary
Resolved an issue with the taskbar opening from autohide too early if the taskbar was offset from the bottom of the screen in some situations
Resolved issue with multiple column menus showing at the top of the screen sometimes
Resolved issue with right-clicking on recent documents link and picking open causing an error prompt about a missing user account
Menus with multiple columns now show A-Z per column rather than spreading A-Z over each column
Added registry key "S11_DelayAutoHide" which when given a value of "1" will delay autohide show/hide. Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8
Start11Config.exe (2.01 in UI)
Resolved a crash issue with Win7 style on login in rare circumstances
Resolved an issue with enhanced taskbar autohide when the primary monitor is to the right of the secondary monitor with desktop icon placement
Resolved issue with clicking on pinned taskbar buttons set to only show on certain monitors not showing a right-click menu
Resolved issue with mixed dpi setups where right-click menus may not detect dpi changes consistently
Resolve the issue with offset taskbar mode with autohide on a secondary.
Limited recent docs popup menu to 15 items (or OS setting if defined)
Reduced a flicker when minimizing/restoring a window from the taskbar using the mouse
Adjusted some init code to prevent threads from being allocated earlier than needed
Tweak to extra control panel item showing
Resolved issue with rounded taskbar causing clipped taskbars on primary monitor when using a touch-capable device with Win11 22H2 or later
Resolved issue with taskbar offsets on secondary monitor without enhanced taskbar enabled not working correctly
Tweaked shutdown menu to stop list under it taking focus sometimes
Added registry key S11_AlwaysScrollMenus which when set to 1 will stop Start11 making menus multi column and instead use a scrolling list. Create in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8
Resolved issue with Win7/Modern style jumplists sometimes showing each item too small after switching menu modes
Added a new registry key to control the right-click menu style on Windows 11. It is called "S11_MenuStyle" and it has 3 options. 0 = translucent menus, 1 = solid menus, 2 = colour tinted translucent menus
Resolved all apps/steam apps list not working from a pinned taskbar folder if you are using the Win7/Modern menu styles
Resolved issue with sub menus showing far left of the screen when they would not fit next to the open menu on multi-column menus
Resolved issue with new Start11 autohide taskbar mode triggering too far from the bottom of the screen vs the primary
Resolved issue with Win 7/modern menu with Win10 style all apps tree not having Show Recently installed and suggested apps not refreshing the list instantly
Resolved issue with right-hand list on start menu flickering over search results during animation to switch to search mode sometimes with Win 7/modern menu styles
Resolved issue with leftover tooltip after launching an app from the menu if the tooltip was visible at the time
Altered config UI to grey out the settings for rounded taskbars unless the rounded taskbar is enabled as this may be causing confusion
Resolved menus sometimes being the wrong background color depending on OS color settings
Resolved sub-menus showing on popup folder menus being shifted too far right on Win11 setups
Resolved Win Launcher menu style when hiding search and username causing shutdown to overlap contents of the list
Start11 2.0.6 Changelog (Released 11/08/2023)
Release UI version 2.0 (Start11Config.exe version
Resolves crash issue with launching apps from submenus on pinned taskbar items
Resolved issue with adding a folder as a group / tab causing a 30 second hang
Resolved issue with very slow Start11 configuration window when using ExplorerPatcher
Resolved issue with wrong icon showing when you have a pending update in the shutdown menu
Resolved potential crash issue after launching an application from the start menu
Resolved the non WinX menu animating down when right clicked on the start button instead of up
Tweaked DisplayFusion detection for their secondary monitor taskbars
Stopped FancyZones dragging window being detected as a fullscreen application for taskbar state
Stopped Microsoft XBox gaming overlay being detected as a fullscreen application for taskbar state
Added registry keys to replace the displayed username or mask the user picture. These are S11_MaskUserIcon set to 1 (REG_SZ value) and S11_OverrideUserName set to whatever you want the new name to be. These are stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8
Resolved issue with pinned folders not working if they were filtered folders instead showing access denied
11) Changed icon on Start11_64.exe
Fixed installer issue where PinMenu.exe shortcut was created in All Programs \ Stardock (confusing that it was the main exe).
Resolved standard Win11 start button being clipped when using some rounded taskbar horizontal offsets - Needs enhanced taskbar enabled
Added in support for some lang strings it was not loading up on the menu
Speeded-up animations for right-click menus
Clicking between the shutdown and sign-out menu should now work
Initial import of Win11 pinned menu items now handles pinned websites correctly rather than making lots of MS Edge shortcuts
Resolved issue with rounded taskbar causing painting problems with left/right taskbars on Windows 10. Rounded mode only supports horizontal taskbar
Resolved issue changing between non-max to maxed state not changing rounded taskbar state unless another setting was also changed
Resolved Windows App style image in config appearing darker than other thumbnails
Removed beta text from UI
Tweaked center taskbar on Win10 logic
Resolved white bar on the start button page
Added translucency to right-click menus when on Windows 11 when not using a skin that skins them
Resolved menus which should animate upwards animating down instead when too big for the screen
Resolved sign out menu overlapping sign-out button when using Win11 style menu with a taskbar at the top of the screen
Resolved/reduced custom start button clipping when using rounded taskbar horizontal offsets
Resolved issue with blur state on maximized windows not overriding to off correctly
Enhanced options for rounded taskbar and moved to their own section to avoid UI clutter
Resolved issue on Win11 when clicking parts of the config UI to bring it to the top not working
Fix painting of restart explorer button thats painting white corners on Win11 incorrectly
Resolved issue with not being able to resize the taskbar when using Win10 style buttons on Win11
Adjusted settings reload logic to prevent overlapped reloads
Added prompts for explorer restarts for features which need it
Some UI tidy up
Resolved issue with Enhanced mode autohide on Windows 11 not always resetting maximized window area
Resolved issue with Win10 style menus incorrectly picking the Windows 11 style text positioning for items in tabbed groups
Resolved issue with all apps list not always refreshing when apps were installed or uninstalled
Reduced frequency of reloading main menu contents when changes are made to things which are not on the menus
Resolved issue with changes to fences causing a refresh of the Start11 menu when there are no fences on the pages
Resolved issue with recent documents not showing
Resolved issue with some folders not showing contents as a pinned group
Resolved a memory and resource leak caused by right click menus
Resolved issue with rapid opening of the right click taskbar menu causing actions to happen more than once if selected
Resolved reset button for rounded corners settings not resetting correctly
Resolved vertically centre taskbar buttons causing a shift when using rounded taskbar buttons
Resolved issue with custom colour button in UI being enabled after toggling use Mica effect checkbox incorrectly sometimes
Resolved issue caused by new rounded corners mode which caused a looping issue when a fullscreen non maximized window was open
Removed double prompt for deletion from a popup folder menu
Config now correctly paints left-hand icons when in dark mode
Resolved issue with alpha on maximized mode taskbar not saving correctly
Resolved issue with Win10 style button progress bars not painting correctly
Added option to make taskbar button backgrounds more solid, ideal for when using very transparent taskbar
Tweaked rounded corners on client area content of configuration window
Added options to control the rounded taskbar radius and offsets from screen borders
Resolved issue with disabling autohide in Start11 config not turning it off
Resolved issue with Start11 autohide mode not working with rounded taskbar correctly
Added animations to the rounded taskbar
Resolved being unable to use the delete option from taskbar popup menus
Filtered folders no longer take full path into consideration when filtering
Resolved issue with dark icons being inverted incorrectly when on a dark background
Resolved issue with rounded TB going away when not using Enhanced taskbar in S11
Resolved issue with toggling Win10/Win11 style taskbar buttons needing an explorer restart.
Note: The progress bars on this are still painting as a line rather than a full background, this should be fixed next build.Resolved issue with launching task manager from the taskbar menu locking up the taskbar initially
Added new Windows 10 style taskbar buttons
Added mode to always combine pinned items but unpin everything else until there is no space
Added extra large taskbar mode
Added font face and size override control to taskbar
Added options to hide the start button on the primary and secondary monitors when on Win11 with enhanced Taskbar enabled
Added options to control if a pinned item should show on all monitors, just the primary, just the secondary or automatic based on OS setting
Added Start11 autohide mode. Requires Win11 22H2 or later
Added new options to control blur, color, rounded corners, and transparency of the taskbar when maximized window vs normal state
Shadow text tweaked to improve visuals
Resolved the issue of not being able to view the hidden items list for All apps on the Win10 and Win App style menus
Resolved issue with Win11 not saving the correct virtual desktop page for opening a page when on a specified virtual desktop
Resolved issue with open menu on this page for current desktop menu item not always showing on all menus (bar Win7/Modern which do not have pages)
Tweaked painting of page picker icons as current page one would sometimes paint incorrectly
Resolved issue with folder icons not painting an icon when in align left mode
Resolved issue with being unable to resize Win Pro menu from right hand side when using narrow mode
Resolved issue with hiding recent apps not sticking after restart for Win Launcher/Pro/Apps menu styles
Resolved issue with a right click on the top taskbar causing the menu to appear partially offscreen
Resolved issue with new search box for apps in some styles not scaling font correctly in mixed dpi setups
Resolved issue with inverted text colour on a tabbed group also applying to + and filter icons in the group header
Resolved issue with missing color palette choice when clicking on appearance menu link rather than opening via mouseover
Adjusted text shadows so DPI is taken into account
Added UI option to override Start11 detection of the touch mode taskbar in Win11 22H2 and later should the taskbar contents be misaligned
Start11 v2.0.2 Changelog (Released 10/31/2023)
Start11 5-Pack upgrade is now available
Beta version updated to
Beta install file was initially Start11_2.0.0.2-j36-Setup.exe. Replaced with Start11_2.0.0.2-j37-Setup.exe as there was an odd issue with the intaller window being small for some reason.
Change to have UI disable pick a custom color options when mica is enabled and the menu will ignore any set color
Resolved issue with Win pro style where quick list is sometimes cut shorter than it could be depending on menu style settings
Filtered a rogue menu entry from the Control panel on some systems when a menu
Added setting in the menu to set row count for tabs to set all the tabs in the group to the same height. On by default
Resolved issue with the taskbar on top and popup menus needing to be multiple columns end up bottom aligned rather than top aligned
Resolved issue with hiding user icon leaving space at the top of the menu when you are using top aligned taskbar
Resolved very short tab names being swapped with the tab index instead. Note that tabs with no name would still have the tab index
Resolved issue with hide from apps option under the more submenu on Win11 and Win Pro and Win Launcher styles not showing correctly
Shift right-click menu on pinned items with enhanced taskbar enabled now offers ‘Run as other user’ if applicable
Tweaked corner painting for shadows as Edge was being lost on new menu styles
Stopped universal apps defaulting into subfolders as this mirrors the OS
Resolved icon loading for iTunes
Tweak spacing on all apps list to be slightly bigger for Win11, Win Pro and Win Launcher styles
Resolved Fences groups vanishing from the menu on changes due to not saving the new group data/
Beta branch created versioned as
Beta can be downloaded client account page or Object Destkop Manager (ODM) with ‘Show betas’ check in OptionsUpdated config exe only to fix the reading of font size settings not working correctly.
Resolved issue with Pin installed app menu not letting you pin from a submenu and instead launching the app.
Resolved issue with ‘this parameter is incorrect’ error when enabling menu backgrounds and grid backgrounds
Resolved issue with taskbar popup menus not correctly handling virtual folders
Adjusted pinned taskbar suggested apps list to be limited to 14 items
Corrected positioning of the menus when links in the quick access shortcut list are set to open menus for Win11/App/Pro styles
Added arrows indicating quick access shortcut list entries are menus on Pro style
Added option for narrow right-hand side of Win Pro style menu
Added option to hide user icon for Win Pro and Win Launcher style menus
Resolved issue with logout & shutdown menus showing on the wrong screen when using the Win10 style menu when there is a monitor on the left of the menu.
Resolved runtime error issue with pinned items for some users without VC runtimes installed
Tweaked detection of Win taskbar mode in config on OOBE
Resolved issue with renaming icons
Fixed sync typo on advanced settings option for Win10/11/Launcher/Pro/App menu styles
Resolved canceling tab drag with escape left menu in tab dragging mode for painting until a click on the menu happened
OS pin syncing was adjusted to avoid possible issues with reimporting in error
Resolved issue with some missing jumplists
Resolved issue with popup menus on side of Win7/Modern menu showing access denied
Resolved issue with tooltips on Win7/Modern menu right hand side showing numbers for some items
Added support for hide search field when not searching to Windows App style/Pro style/ Launcher style menus
Resolved issue with showing icon on shutdown button in Win7/Modern style
Start11 v2.0 Changelog (Released 10/26/2023)
Please see the Start11 v2 press release for changes and features.
Start11 1.47 Changelog (Released 07/24/2023)
1.47 (Binaries
Stardock release: 07/24/2023
Steam release: 07/24/2023
1.47 (Binaries
Fixes issue with right-click on network / audio icons far right of the Win11 taskbar not working right if you use experimental center mode
Fixed issue with right-click close window on open task manager when using Enhanced Taskbar in Win11
Fixed issue with Virtual Desktops popup not showing shifted when in experimental center mode.
1.47 (Binaries
Resolved issue with Close window showing instead of Close All Windows/On this monitor when right-clicking on the taskbar buttons when in sometimes combine mode on Win11.
Added registry key for forcing Close All Windows to show on Win11. It is ForceCloseAllAlways in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8
Small adjustment to how the start menu closes due to a report of it being clickable when closed. Could not repro internally
Resolved issue with being unable to scroll the calendar in Win11 and not being able to use touch on some popups from the taskbar
Updated how Win key and ctrl+escape are handled for later versions of Win11 based on customer feedback
Tweak to line showing on taskbar when Start11 is not handling the taskbar on Win11
Fixes issue with Winkey hotkeys sometimes triggering the Start11 menu in error. More likely with longer key sequences.
Fixes issue with autohide potentially causing issues with taskbar contents positioning when on touch laptops
Added support for a string registry value ShowAllNonUWAOnTaskbar in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8. When set to "1" it will show all non universal windows on the taskbar even when using virtual desktops regardless of the desktop they are on.
Start11 1.46 Changelog (Released 06/27/2023)
Released on and Steam
Version: 1.46 ( file version)
NEW : Right-click on the taskbar button now offers Close Window instead of Close All Windows on Windows 11
Now supports win key when foreground app is elevated
Resolves issue with taskbar line not always showing correctly on Win11 22H2 when taskbar enhancements are disabled.
Added option to block Winkey handling entirely when in a fullscreen application
Resolved some taskbar incompatibility issues with right-clicking on the taskbar on recent dev channel builds of Win11.
Adjusted taskbar button flashing color in light mode as too pale
Resolved issues with apps that rapidly update the taskbar progress bars hanging the taskbar for periods
Workaround for a crash caused by Grammarly being installed when using sub-menus
Fixed issue with taskbar shifted up when using non-standard scaling factors (like 140%)
Start11 1.45 Changelog (Released 06/06/2023)
Stardock Release: 06/06/2023
Steam Release: 06/07/2023 (Planned) (file version) - 1.45 in UI
WinKey handling on the very latest Win11 builds improved so if the user is using Explorer patcher or using the right WinKey it will now support those.
Note: Elevated apps in the foreground are currently not supported. Further investigation is required to support these.A further tweak to how the touch taskbar is detected on Win11 (file version) - 1.45 in UI
Additional fixes that we believe address some of the reported compatibility issues with the KB5026446 Windows 11 release.
Has a tweak for the taskbar shifting issue when on Win11 with touch-capable hardware. It should, at the very least, fix the issue with having an external monitor and turning it off and going back to internal when DPIs didn't match (file version) - 1.45 in UI
This fixes 6309 (Right-click of sound on TB opens up on 2nd monitor).
Fixes taskbar issue when switching primary monitor by unplugging monitors.
Start11 1.44 Changelog (Released 05/01/2023)
Stardock release: 05/01/2023
Steam: TBD
Tweaked detection of touch mode taskbar enabled devices (should fix misaligned systray issues)
Tweaked color of flashing taskbar button in dark more to be more visible
Version is 1.44 ( on file version)
Start11 1.43 Changelog (Released 04/03/2023)
Pushed live on Steam
Pushed live for purchases.
UI versioned updated to 1.43 (file version
Detects canary channel as insider as well
Brings the winkey fix from old dev channel builds over to beta channel fixes and above
Updated localization for new strings
File version UI version 1.42
Better support for larger start buttons on KB5022913
Improved compatibility with touch mode taskbar on KB5022913
Resolved an issue that could cause the taskbar contents to shift down after a DPI change sometimes
Added in new UI strings to warn users about changing the taskbar size needing enhanced taskbar enabled and likewise for autohide
Added new size on KB5022913 called Small with wide icon spacing which is small height but pads out the buttons wider as it did on previous OSes
Start11 UI ‘About’ will read 1.42
Fix for WinX menu appearing far left when right-clicking centered Start11 menu (Windows 11 only currently)
Further tweaks for > 2 monitor setups
Adjusted small taskbar buttons to be slightly wider on 22H2 KB5022913
Fixed some tablet PC taskbar issues
Now supports wider start buttons but only when enhanced taskbar is enabled AND for primary monitor only if you have > 2 monitors
Fixed some search positioning issues
Further tweaks to stop a repaint issue with icons showing under the tray icons in a very rare situation on Win11 KB5022913
Fixes the windows menu not working right when using center mode in S11 and using search box mode on the taskbar and using enhance taskbar in S11 along with using the Windows menu vs ours.
Another tweak to finally sort out that taskbar, without blur, resetting to 100% solid mode ‘after running games’ issue
Start11 1.4.11 Changelog (Released: 03/07/2023)
Version updated to (1.41 in UI)
Addresses the issue with parts of the tray not painting when in experimental center mode on Win11 22H2 KB5022913 and a further tweak to taskbar transparency being lost due to an OS bug on the same update.
Version updated to
Fix for taskbars without blur losing transparency after screen change events when on KB5022913 due to a new OS bug
Fix for Win10 menu mode being left in A-Z picker mode if closed when in that mode
Fix for Win10/11 folder groups having the wrong order of icons painted when collapsed sometimes
Fixed an issue with if you set a custom taskbar color to black and then disable blur and set transparency to 0% (aka fully transparent) then the taskbar turned solid instead
Updated localization files with new text.
Version updated to (1.4 in UI)
A fix for the taskbar controls being misaligned on the taskbar on a tablet when you have, at some point, used a custom scaling factor and have resized the taskbar.
A tweak for resizing taskbars in that mode to workaround a rounding error and refreshes the taskbar blur after screen resolution changes etc.
Adjusted small mode taskbar to have larger icons on ‘KB5022913’ as the start button + taskview etc buttons are larger on that OS in that state so increased to match a bit better
Version updated to (1.4 in UI)
Fixes the position of the new search box on the taskbar with ‘KB5022913’ when the multiline taskbar is enabled or the taskbar is on top.
Small-mode taskbar items now have a wider active indicator bar under them
A tweak to the detection of the touch-optimized taskbar capable hardware
A tweak to swapping from large/small icons when switched to autohide mode
Improved WB compatibility so a WB skin now correctly shrinks the start button
Versioned as on the file itself (1.4 in UI)
Fixes a slow taskbar issue with enhanced taskbar on
Makes the search box shift over correctly when clicked when the taskbar is showing the search box and Start11 is in experimental center mode
Fixes a jump to invisible default buttons issue on the config when jumping to default buttons is enabled in some mouse driver
Allows the taskbar to paint black
Tweaks the sync pins code to see if that helps with a report of it looping.
Forces autohide taskbars to medium bar size as the new Windows 11 taskbar only supports that
Build updated to (Start 11 ‘About’ will still read 1.4, however).
Addressing compatibility issues associated with KB5022913
Fixed the issue with the secondary taskbars when in only show buttons on the monitor the window is on mode and also a fix for the line on the taskbar not appearing over some parts of the taskbar correctly
Updated S11 to 1.4 which (hopefully) will address the issues introduced with the new Windows taskbar in Windows 11 build: 22621.1324 and beta/dev channel insider
Start11 1.39.1 (Released 02/23/2023)
Fix for improper clock location on secondary monitors
Fix for start menu being solid when it should not be which may have been new in 1.36+,
Fix for a switching issue between tablet mode and non-tablet mode with Windows Insider taskbar on a tablet
Fix for flashing taskbar buttons being bright red. Now, it will match Win11 colors.
Start11 1.39 (Released 02/08/2023)
1.39 (02/08/2023)
Updated version
1.38 (01/23/2023)
Updated version to 1.38
A further tweak to system tray icon painting
A fix for renaming an item in a child group not showing the new name when collapsed and then expanded again until explorer is restarted.
Added user created Greek Lang. Credit: Hary-k;3876516
1.37 (1/16/2023)
Fixed taskbar display offset when using Start11 on a device with a touchscreen.
Note: This was seen on Windows Insider builds onlyFixes machines on battery power on insider having darker start menus (the more transparent, the darker it was)
Improves how we handle insider taskbar in general even on non-tablet devices
Support for message count indication on WhatsApp on the taskbar
A possible fix for overlapping system tray icons for those who encountered that
A tweak to the config on HDR displays to stop a text painting issue
Fix for taskbar on newer Windows builds being clipped sometimes
Start11 1.36 (Released 12/08/2022)
Start11 1.36 is a culmination of many prior betas.
Fixed an issue with OS MinWidth entry for taskbar having bad data causing very small taskbar buttons
1.35 (beta only)
Fixed a crash possibility for Windows 10 style when dragging an icon from the left to the right if no groups to place it in existed.
Credit: Naxterra for the heads up: WB compatibility tweaks:
Fix when the skin not working correctly with the Win10/Win11 styles when not offset from the taskbar.
Fixes issues with WB skins with animated start menus
Fixes an off-by-1 clipping issue on custom images for shortcuts when in Win10 style
Fixes two-row taskbar with WB not being right on Win11
1.34 (beta only)
Fix for taskbar having a solid background when a WB theme is in use when using a theme that does not use taskbar blur noted here:;3869927
ty for the report hashonboat
1.33 (beta only)
Updated version to 1.33
Compatibility fixes for WindowBlinds 11
1.32 (beta only)
Addressed remaining conditions where taskbar thumbnail images could be misaligned.
Resolved an issue with the taskbar not being able to be resized on 22H2 sometimes
Resolved an issue with small taskbar and the system tray icons being cut to one row vs two on 22H2 when using enhanced taskbar with a one-row taskbar
Optimized Start11 startup
Resolved an issue with the system tray icons on 22H2 in rare circumstances not repainting the background under them / under the network+sound icons
Resolved an issue with dragging taskbar buttons where if you left the taskbar area then it would jump between insertion points and not allow any drag to be successful
Fixes and a resource leak found when using with WB11
Tweaked engage Cortana mode to resolve a potential issue with it not always engaging if you opened Cortana just before the start menu
Changed Win11 menu so if you disable Start11 search the search field will disappear by default but will respect the option to show/hide the field too
Tweak for Search mode in Win7 skins to be light mode
Change to Start11 running to hopefully workaround some PowerShell issues on shutdown for some users in edge cases.
This change will potentially impact support for third-party apps which can launch Start11 such as DisplayFusion. It should detect this correctly but if not adding a registry key of type string with value "1" called AllowThirdPartyTaskbars to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 should revert to the old system.Fixed issue with recolored start menu textures using OS accent color not refreshing on color change
Icon overflow (hidden icons) with new Win11 taskbar (insider dev/beta) now shows correctly when the taskbar is at the top of the screen.
Added support for setting the taskbar button size (unless there is insufficient room) when allowing Start11 to enhance the taskbar via the OS regkey MinWidth stored at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics Unlike on Win10, this will scale for dpi correctly allowing consistency over multiple monitors with different scale factors.
Tweaked sign-out / shutdown menus when in Dark taskbar mode to use a dark menu rather than light.
Tweak to resolve an issue with the line on the taskbar in 22H2 being too transparent when in dark mode
Tweaked default taskbar transparency on Win11 22H2 when in dark mode as slightly too solid by default
Resolved crash changing custom icon for a tile in Win10 menu (or custom image on Win11 menu) if you move the mouse over the menu whilst picking
Fixed an issue with excessive titlebar caption changes in apps triggering excessive refreshes of the taskbar causing a lag issue on the taskbar with enhanced taskbar enabled.
Resolved crash issue when searching for more than 31 chars in a single word
Dragging two or more items into a Win11 group in the menu no longer causes a resort to put the newest one to the far left
Resolved issue with progress bars on combined taskbar buttons not always showing correctly
Resolved issue with some pinned shortcuts (imported from the OS menu) not showing the jump lists on right-click in Win10/11 menu mode
Resolved issue with being unable to pin steam apps to win7/modern menu from search
Taskbar search mini preview should reposition itself correctly after a brief pause on the initial show when using centered taskbar mode on 22H2
WB skins should now support blur on the background of the startmenu (Win7/modern). May require WB 11 beta 2
Win10/11 style all programs list now respects icon set for folders vs using a default icon
Taskbar thumbnail popup window will no longer go partially offscreen with a very large number of windows owned by a single app when using enhanced taskbar on Windows 11
Tweak to thumbnail popup window positioning when in center mode with enhanced taskbar
Resolved issue with not being able to right-click on the first 50 pixels of the taskbar when in center mode with enhanced taskbar in Win11
Fixed issue with double animation with WFX start menu animations enabled (To use you MUST disable the Start11 animation in Start11 first)
Start11 1.31 (Released 10/19/2022)
Right-click on the left side of centered taskbars when the enhanced taskbar is enabled now correctly shows the menu on secondary monitors
Fixed issue with closing one item from the thumbnail popup from the taskbar in enhanced mode making the popup window jump to the far left of the screen sometimes
The line on 22H2 taskbars now adjusts with the alpha set on the taskbar by the user and is hidden entirely when the taskbar is on top. You can also create a registry key in the usual location of type string and give it a value of "1" and a name of "HideTaskbarLineEntirely" should you wish to always hide the line entirely.
Fixed mouseover pinned item tooltip moving away sometimes when leaving the taskbar
Fences items in Win11 menu mode will now save their order. Note that no gaps are saved in Win11-style menus only the order is
Tweak to refreshing apps list when new apps are installed as the search did not always refresh correctly for the newly installed application
Native Windows 11 will now center exactly vs in line with the start button when Start11 enhances the taskbar and had a centered start button. You can also create a registry key in the usual location of type string and give it a value of "1" and a name of "ForceWin11MenuToOffset" should you wish to line up with the start button as it did in 1.3
Fixed an issue with the taskbar on top having a gap at the bottom of the screen that maximized windows did not use when using the enhanced taskbar
Fixed issue with taskbar clock on primary monitor not showing up with enhanced taskbar enabled sometimes initially until a resize or click on the more system icons button
Fixed issue with the desktop area (that maximized windows use) not being correct after some screen resolution/display config changes
Fix for secondary taskbar buttons on occasion overlapping the Win11 widgets/teams/search icons when using center mode with Start11 enhancing the taskbar
Adds in the messaging about center mode needing the enhanced taskbar option on to function.
Added the two strings to the en and en-us lng files
Fixed an issue where some Win10 \ 11 PCs would not show 'sleep' in Start11.
Update translation strings
Start11 1.30 (Released 10/11/2022)
Start11 1.30 is a culmination of many prior betas.
Versioned to 1.3
Fixed an issue with the WinKey fix for insider releases not working right if you wanted it to open the OS menu not S11 always
Fixed the issue with not pinning to the start menu when using Pin to Start on desktop shortcuts
1.28 (Beta only)
Winkey to open the start menu is restored on Insider builds
Toggling hide caption on an icon no longer jumps back to the first page
Right-clicking to the left of the start button when using the enhanced taskbar in center mode will now show the right-click menu correctly on the primary monitor
Config UI detects insider build with new taskbar and indicates which features do not work with that
Config UI detects Win11 22H2+ and indicates top align taskbars do not work with autohide enabled
Small timing tweak for center taskbar on Win11 with enhanced taskbar turned on for Insider builds
Fix for the right-click start button menu not painting right
Fix for the background of the taskbar having a color when the WB skin didn't define one
Fix for the position of the mini search popup and virtual desktops screen
Fix for the position of the native Win11 start menu all when having center taskbar with the enhanced taskbar enabled.
1.27 (Beta only)
Version 1.26 was updated to fix a pinning issue, version was updated as a result.
1.26 (Beta only)
NEW (experimental): Users can now center the Start11 button when using the Start11 Enhanced Taskbar. This supports custom start buttons too.
New - You can now rename shortcuts on the Win10/11 style start menus via the right-click menu
Fixed issue with restart computer when other users are logged in not working correctly after the warning message.
Fixed alignment of the new centered start button option to take into account the extra width of the bar
Fixed issue with taskbar being sluggish when file copies were taking place when enhanced taskbar was enabled.
Added new localization strings for 1.26 for new UI changes
Resolved flicker issue when opening the start menu on Win11 insider builds when animations are disabled
A code change to potentially resolve an issue with universal app icons loading as solid black in edge cases
Change to initialization of taskbar code to possibly help with wrong icons loading from the icon cache for pinned items
Fixed issue with only 1 sysicon causing a scrolling arrow to show sometimes
Changed Start11 to open the menu on the primary monitor when opened via the Winkey rather than the monitor the mouse is on. If anyone wishes to use the old behavior you can do so by defining "OldWinKeyLogic" as a string value here HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8 and giving it a value of "1"
Fixed issue with keyboard not opening groups on the menu correctly when enter is pressed. Pressing space now also toggles them.
Fixed issue with rapid clicking on taskbar button with no other open windows not always minimizing the window consistently.
Resolved problem with some custom scaling factors causing the start menu to not show or show on the wrong screen.
Resolved issue where all programs button overlaps shutdown button when in compact mode Win7/modern style with quick launch hidden and search disabled.
Resolved issue with right-click on date when taskbar is at the top on Windows 11 providing a menu that did not work correctly when clicked.
Internal redesign of some taskbar logic to prevent the possibility of a hang
Now supports MS edge website shortcuts on the Win10/11 style start menus (Requires Windows 11)
Resolved issue with erroneous rapid clicking on the start button resulting in the menu not being visible but then animating out next time you click.
Fixed an issue on Windows 11 native start icon where it would not consistently register clicks, they would appear pent up and flash a bunch in a row.
Resolved flicker issue when opening the start menu on Win11 insider builds when animations are disabled
A code change to potentially resolve an issue with universal app icons loading as solid black in edge cases
Change to init of taskbar code to possibly help with wrong icons loading from the icon cache for pinned items
Updated user submitted Japanese translation (credit to user htakado)
Netflix when fullscreen (and other universal apps) no longer vanishes from the enhanced taskbar
Issues with multi-line system tray icons painting under the clock or leaving too much space etc resolved
Search for Windows settings items enhanced slightly
Search results for apps now show two lines of text vs one as some apps have quite long names which make it less usable
Taskbar shifting down 12 or so pixels (at 100% scaling) hopefully resolved
Taskbar shifting along the screen for some users on occasion hopefully resolved
Fixed issue with not showing Search/Task view / Widgets / Chat sometimes when toggled on from an off state
Fixed issue with Win7 mode where clicking to open the jumplist via keyboard (space key) didn't set the focus correctly to an expanded list
Worked around an issue with universal app icons when running caused by using Actual Window Guard
Worked around an issue with the menu closing incorrectly sometimes when you want to open it when using Actual Window Guard
Resolved issue with an explorer crash in rare circumstances with enhanced taskbar enabled
Search results for settings now wrap the text when required in Start11 search mode
Fixed issue with Brave browser profiles overlay image appearing bottom right (normal for Win10) rather than top right on the icon on Windows 11
Stopped very tall window switcher lists jumping to the top of the screen in error with enhanced taskbar enabled.
Resolved an issue with seconds on the clock in US region causing shifting of icons sometimes depending on the date
Start11 1.25 (Released 08/18/2022)
New - Wheel mouse over page switch area causes it to switch to another page. Also does it on page if no scrollbars there.
New - Show path on search results via tooltip (files / docs)
Added support for the forthcoming WindowBlinds 11
Fixed an issue where pin attempts from searches would fail
Fixed issue with $$$USERMENU$$$ error prompt - Win10 menu
Fix for X Mouse causing start menu to lose focus sometimes. Note this does not fix the native Windows 11 menu which experiences a very similar issue when the mouse is near the menu but not over it...
Fixed if pages not named then no shortcut text for folders showing in Win11 mode
Fixed issues with mouse clicks when over page bar as this causes problems with editing titles of groups
Adjusted icon spacing when in small taskbar mode
Tweak to for shutdown option installing updates correctly
Fixed issue with reboot always installing updates
Fixed issue with explorerpatcher running on Win11 dev builds causing a taskbar paint issue
Fixed issue with explorerpatcher installed but set to run Win11 taskbar (unsure why you would be doing this)
Fixed issue with running apps in dark mode when in always combine mode did not indicate they had mouseover / focus well at all - alpha is too light on border
Fixed issue with up arrow when opening Win10 menu not always moving from Shutdown button to bottom of quick access links list
Fixed issue with taskbar on top and tooltips overlapping taskbar when in autohide mode when not using Start11 taskbar feature
Start11 1.24 (Released 05/19/2022)
Start11 1.24 is a culmination of prior betas.
Removed a surplus UI button if you resize the config really tall on the main page and
Fixed the tooltip text for the Win10 menu style when all apps is hidden by default
One missing string which is added to the en lang file
Fix for error prompt about PowerShell showing if security settings block running it
Fix for ObjectDock running causing enhanced taskbar to lockup or run extremely slowly
Added support for shutdown / reboot when other users are logged into the computer
Added steam update support
Fix for issue with small mode taskbar sometimes causing a crash on explorer restart
Fixed issue with system tray icons sometimes shrinking or turning into one column when using enhanced taskbar mode
Fix for issue clicking on grouped taskbar button when primary monitor is to the right of the primary and mouse jumping to the corner sometimes (most likely on double click)
Fixed issue with prolonged cpu spike when opening jumplist from taskbar
Tweak to clicking on already running app in taskbar for detecting if to focus or minimize / restore
Added strings to en.lng and en-us.lng for new bits in 1.24
1.23 (Beta only)
Tweak for tooltips on autohide taskbar on top of the screen (possibly - did not test but tweaked logic)
Background color added to start button backgrounds in the config as white ones were invisible when light mode
Core language updates
Chinese (Simplified, Traditional)
Note: While they should be complete, they have not been reviewed yet to ensure they all fit in the UI properly. Any that do not will be updated in a full release of this version.
Fixed issue on current Win11 dev/beta channel releases when hiding the show hidden system tray icons button on the taskbar causing all taskbar icons to vanish incorrectly
Different sized start buttons are now adjusted to fit correctly on Win11 dev/beta touch aware taskbar (now removed from Win11 builds). This means extra large ones will be shrunk to fit and small ones will be padded
Fixed issue with dark mode Win10 style having too solid a background color for the tile backgrounds
Fix issue with taskbar on top not allowing you to click to the very top and activate a taskbar button
Fixed issue where full taskbar will force scrolling quicker than Win10 taskbar with Enhanced Start11 taskbar in non combine mode
Fix issue with Fences in Win7/modern menu all programs list when dark not using a different colour for the text
Added registry key to disable Fences showing color in Win7/modern menu all programs list (NoColourForFencesFolders = 1 in usual registry location)
Fixed issue with pinned taskbar items having incorrect mouseover image edge color when using a dark taskbar
Fixed issue with default alpha on taskbar being incorrectly set when reset in software. Would need to reset taskbar alpha manually to fix
Fixed issue with Win11 Taskbar not respecting light/dark mode changes sometimes
Fixed issue with touch on Win10 start button
Fixed for the Win10 update (optional currently) where the background of the weather button on the taskbar doesn't respect the texture
Fixed issue with taskbar remaining on top when opening start menu from a full screen game/app on a secondary monitor
Fixed issue with multiline taskbar showing scrollbar when there is a spare row
Tweaks to improve search quality
Fix for insider so it correctly handles the taskbar and system tray (again!)
Start11 1.22 (Released 05/02/2022)
Start11 1.22 is a culmination of prior versions.
Language updates
Core supported languages:
Spanish (credit: fjmatad)
French (credit: DominiqueFaure)
Included languages but not supported:
Czech (credit: ludekdanzer)
Sweedish (credit: rj79048)
Italian (credit: Baio73)
Turkish (credit: erdogandemirtas)
Added option for seconds on clock to Start11 configuration screen (taskbar)
Improved painting performance of config UI when scrolling especially on Taskbar page as performance was slower than intended
Made config detect the use of insider channel versions of Windows and will indicate this on the about page
Help link on insider releases of Windows 11 changed to go to entry in FAQ explaining our policy on these OSes
Prevented a background refresh of menu contents while right click menu is open in Win10/11 menus
Prevented a background refresh of menu contents while dragging an item in the menu
Fixed issue with JetBrains Toolbox showing on the taskbar incorrectly
Fixed issue with focus being assigned to no window sometimes when minimizing a window from the taskbar by clicking on the taskbar button when enhanced taskbar mode is enabled
Added registry key to make Start11 never group pinned items with running apps - usual reg location "SeparatePins" set to 1
Added registry key to make Start11 taskbar buttons have less padding between and inside of them allowing more to fit. This only applies to pinned apps / running app buttons. It does not apply to the widgets, search etc icons. Usual reg location "CompactTaskbarButtons" set to 1.
Adding registry key to make Start11 have altered padding internally for taskbar app / pinned buttons. Usual reg location "TaskbarPadding" set to padding value
Added registry key to enable a start button compatibility mode if clicks are opening the Win11 menu - usual reg location "StartButtonCompatMode" set to 1
Added support for ShowSecondsInSystemClock registry key that worked on Win10 for seconds on the clock. May take a short while to apply after an explorer restart.
Fixed issue from prev build where clock on secondary taskbar was missing on Win11 dev/beta builds
Fixed issue on Win11 release where the right click menus on network / sound icons did not always accept input when enhanced taskbar was enabled
Shift + restart from the shutdown menu should now boot to recovery screen as it does with native menu
Fixed small resource leak when using enhanced taskbar and opening a window with an icon without an alpha channel. Typically this would be extremely old apps.
Fixed issue with right click on pinned icons (not running apps) showing menu off screen if too far left on screen
Fixed issue with occasional clicks on taskbar potentially causing an explorer crash on Windows 11
Fixing issue with elevated apps causing trouble with start button click on occasion
Tweak to hopefully resolve issue with first click on secondary taskbar start button not launching the menu on Win11 for some users.
Fixed issue with change of screen res / scaling causing taskbar to resize down to one row incorrectly on Win11
Changed how Start11 handles the taskbar shows when opening the start menu inside a fullscreen app / game
Fixed issue with pinning from new style all programs list onto Win7/Modern menu losing jumplists. Any existing shortcuts would need to be recreated.
Modified shutdown to support automatic restarting of apps before login where configured on the PC and on supported OS
Fixes 'This PC' link not showing in Fences on Start menu if it was in a fence
Deleting a fence on the desktop will now remove it from the start menu too rather than leaving a blank
Ensured every Win11 menu page has a group on it and all apps button
Resolved issue with thumbnail preview window jumping left sometimes when you clicked on the taskbar button when minimized
Fixed issue with a folder group on the Win11 menu style potentially painting under the page selection bar
If when expanding a folder group it doesn't fit on the menu then the menu will scroll to fit it
If in grouped taskbar mode then clicking on a button that is for more then 1 window will now show the thumbnail switcher rather than picking the last item
Win11 dev/beta channel tablet mode taskbar is now less visually horrible with S11 enhanced taskbar though not perfect
Fixed issue with drag & drop to the taskbar not bringing inactive windows to the front as it should have been
Fixed issue on dev builds of Win11 where the right hand system tray icons wouldn't appear after an explorer restart sometimes
Fixed that transparency string not using translations on beta/dev build of Win11
1.21 (Beta only)
NEW ** MS edge tabs now show in search results
NEW ** Search results now boost the last run item for a given search
Fixed issue with corrupted Minecraft icon causing the menu to crash
Fixed issue with a blank taskbar when enhanced taskbar enabled on Windows 11 and you have 2 or more monitors with the main monitor to the right of a secondary and taskbars only set to show on the main monitor.
Fixed issue with Win+ not rotating through the group of windows when more than one app running from the given task
Fixed issue with Win+ not always activating the right window depending on window visibility and monitor settings
Fixed issue with Win+ so it does not minimize windows which are part of a group (regardless of taskbar grouping status)
Fixed issue with clock on secondary taskbars being clipped slightly when using a small taskbar
Fixed incorrect icon used for pinned MS edge webpage shortcuts on the taskbar
Possible fix for incorrect background colour on some older icons on the taskbar
Made warning about left aligned start button when enhanced taskbar is enabled bold and red
Made prompt about enabling enhanced taskbar features popup when you enable it from the taskbar page too
Hidden "Sign-in options" from shutdown menu on Windows 11 non beta/dev as that is only shown by those OSes so may cause confusion and added registry key for those who wish to hide it on later OSes "DisableSignInOptionsLink" set to 1 in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8
Start11 1.20 (Released 4/06/2022)
Start11 1.2 is a culmination of prior versions.
Added option to disable taskbar animations
Fixed issue with hide text on taskbar buttons making taskbar buttons wider with no text when buttons with text wouldn't fit in the space provided
Fixed issue with multiline scrolling indicator not painting correctly
Enabled clicking above/below scrolling indicator on taskbar scrolls the taskbar rather than forcing dragging of the bar
Fixed issue with Win+number hotkeys not opening the right app sometimes
Ctrl + clicking grouped taskbar button now cycles through the open windows
Tweaks to handle tooltips better when taskbar is at the top of the screen and in autohide mode
Fixed issue with primary monitor to right of secondary causing a problem with taskbar interactions
Fixed issue with clicking very bottom of top aligned / top of bottom aligned taskbar causing virtual desktops to open
Fixed issue with not grouping accent versions of A, E, I, O etc with A, E, I, O on Win10/11 style All apps
On Beta/Dev build version of Windows 11 now forces background colour under start button when not using Start11 taskbar
Added right click option to create shortcut on desktop
Expanded room for on/off label on start menu page
1.19 (Beta only)
Added default icon if exe lacks one (winver.exe)
Fixes issue with some popups (Groupy message boxes for example) using the wrong icon
Fixed issue with minimizing a window animating to the left-hand side rather than the middle when centered
Fixed issue with sniping tool sometimes showing a redundant window on the taskbar
Fixed issue with Touch and pen input on taskbar not responding correctly or triggering explorer crashes
Fixed issue with clicking at the bottom of the screen not triggering the taskbar buttons of the bottom row if there is no gap
Fixed issue with unexpected taskbar buttons showing on some machines when the Windows 11 start menu or search were opened
Long touch click with touch on a taskbar button no longer triggers it but shows right-click menu after you release
Fixed issue with hung apps sometimes getting two taskbar buttons
Hung apps now correctly retain focus when active on the taskbar
Shift + click on a hung app now shows the correct context menu
Fixed issue with turning on the enhanced taskbar feature on Windows 11 for the first time not always showing all open windows / also after an explorer restart
Fixed issue with icon sizes in groups on Windows 11 when you use the hide caption option and you have icons that have tile images
User-defined custom tiles in Win11 mode now size themselves to the icon size to maintain consistency
Hide caption text option hidden when the item is in a group that has already hidden the caption text
Fixed issue with explorer on Windows 10 crashing out on login and thus not starting all the autostart apps, later restarts were ok
Tweaked group vertical spacing when hide caption text is enabled on a group (Win11 style)
Tweaked Win11 group spacing with caption text too
Tweak to monitoring OS pinned items to handle newer OSes
Tweak to popup menus so clicking in the shadow area closes the popup
Added default icon if exe lacks one (winver.exe)Fixes issue with some popups (Groupy message boxes for example) using wrong icon
Fixed issue with minimizing a window animating to the left-hand side rather than the middle
Fixed issue with sniping tool sometimes showing a redundant window on the taskbar"
1.18 (Beta only)
Windows 10 style shutdown menu now aligned above button rather than to the right
Added delete group prompt when you are using Windows 11 style menu too rather than just Windows 10
Fixed issue with text background colour on delete page / group prompt when in dark mode
Fixed issue with delete prompts causing the menu to close
Tweak to mouse click detection when moving off the right hand side of a multiple monitor taskbar
Tweak for loading up icons for PWA when running
Fixed issue with tooltips on taskbar items being incorrect sometimes briefly
Fixed issue with too dark edges on some universal app icons
Tiles images when in Windows 11 mode will now appear smaller unless hide caption is enabled to avoid overlap issues
Fixed right click menu selection image being too light in Dark Mode for some menus
Now respects OS setting for hide icon badges and flashing
Fixed issue with Messenger icon appearing smaller than expected
Fixed issue with unexpected truncation of long single words in Win10 style. These will now wrap
Added Mica background effect to config window when used on Windows 11 current beta / dev or above
Elevated apps can now be minimized by clicking their button on the taskbar
Fixed issue with taskbar at the top on original Windows 11 (non beta/dev channel) causing maximized windows to appear under it
Fixed issue with automatic taskbar color when on dev/beta channel Win11 and enhanced taskbar enabled.
Fixed issue with taskbar not appearing on top of always on top fullscreen applications when the start button is pressed when enhance taskbar is enabled on Windows 11.
Fixed issue with delay to closing Task Manager in Windows 10
1.17 (Beta only)
On Win11 dev / beta channel (current) it now disables taskbar transparency settings and adds warnings about some taskbar features (blur, colour, texture) to indicate they do not work correctly on that build of Windows. Also small taskbar mode only works if you enable Start11 enhancing the taskbar on those builds.
Fixes for run dialog not having an icon in some versions of Windows
Fix for non-English installs of Windows having the quick settings popup clipped when taskbar is at the top
Fix for scrolling taskbar not painting a taskbar texture under the scrollbar
Fix for taskbar at top in later Windows versions ending up on top of maximized windows if one row high
Fix for clicking on the taskbar when at top opening start menu in any blank space
Fixed issue with Turn Windows features on and off in search linking to missing file on non-server editions of Windows
Fixed issue with position of Win+N window appearing offset sometimes
'Sometimes' taskbar mode now switches to collapsing items with multiple taskbar buttons into one before it switches to collapsing all when there is insufficient space
Menus are now white in light mode
Folders can now have a custom image
A-Z sort option added for Win11 groups (does a sort, new items added to end as usual)
Custom tiles now can have a custom background color if they use transparency
Shutdown button on win7/modern style no longer breaks transparency
New labels are no longer shown on Win10/11 menus when you disable showing recently installed apps on that list
Taskbar shortcut icons should better respect custom icons now
Taskbar should launch correct shortcut on middle click / click of pinned item now
Refresh rate detection code tweaked to handle multiple monitor setups better
This fixes an issue with taskbar drag being too sensitive and getting stuck sometimes
Fixed an issue with explorer hanging if you had multiple monitors but set windows to only show one taskbar
Tweaked touch support
Fixed issue with loading up UWA app icons on the taskbar sometimes loading too small an icon
Fixed issue with center horz on the taskbar sometimes causing a second row when not needed
Fixed issue with calculating how many rows needed being wrong when changed font size on taskbar
Config UI now shows disabled center start button option when in S11 taskbar mode to make it clearer that it is disabled
Internal version number changed to 1.17
Changes: Fixes jumplist going offscreen sometimes
Fixes issue with custom start button and enhanced taskbar getting clipped
Fixed right-click menu on taskbar on Win10 would use wrong scale factor sometimes
Adds in icons for shutdown/sign out menus
Clicking a pinned item when the app is running but on another monitor will now launch a new instance
Middle-click on explorer will now launch a new instance
The Calendar popup should be working reliably again
New option to hide taskbar text whilst still being ungrouped
New option to control font size on taskbar buttons
Fixed issue with small taskbar having clock offset vertically
Added option to hide tile text in Win10 menu regardless of having a tile image set
Added option to never load the app provided tile image for a tile
Fixed an issue with the taskbar not showing all items when the vertically centre mode wasn't enabled
Fixed taskbar insert indicator so it paints when you go to the far end
Fixed taskbar dragging when in combine mode so the icon paints consistently when dragged
Fixed issue with taskbar when running tiles so a gap isn't left
Fixed issue with taskbar picking up wrong scale factor and wrong position after a screen res change sometimes
Fixed missing icon for some pinned web apps
1.16 (Beta only)
This fixes a GDI resource leak
Fixes overlay icons on the taskbar buttons not working (like email count)
Fixes a problem with resizing the menu causing the taskbar to resize
Fixes a problem with the animation code which might be why the blur paints top of the screen on occasion for some people
Fixes combine mode so when clicking on a group it doesn't simply launch another copy of the app if you have > 1 window open of that app
Fixes for an issue with the taskbar not repositioning correctly when res changes
Fixes issue with the taskbar not responding when changing scale factor on the primary display
Fixes issue with clock shifting to the left of the secondary taskbar sometimes
Adds in support for turning ON taskbar feature without an explorer restart (off still needs a restart of explorer) and UI now offers to turn it on for first run.
Config UI adds in setting for stopping highlighting new apps for Win7/10 style as this went missing in S11
Adds setting cog on the main page for configure menu as this was missing and buy Start11 option shows in config when not activated.
Version updated to 1.16
Mis position of Win+X menu, missing icon for grouped steam when > 1 window open
Two taskbar buttons for some apps (adobe acrobat)
Click on a taskbar button doesn't minimize an app (some delphi apps)
1.15 (Beta only)
New option to let Start11 manage the Taskbar - found under Taskbar settings.
This build contains a new taskbar experience that allows for items to be ungrouped on Windows 11 only. The setting is under Taskbar with three options to combine - Always, Sometimes, and Never
There are additional options under "More Start11 taskbar settings" that let the user define additional options that are also new in this build.
New Start11 menu selection experience.
Start11 1.11 (Released 02/14/2022)
Version change to 1.11
Includes new 64-bit service(next version)Tweak which may help incorrect positioning of Win10/11 style menu for some people (unsure as it may hit only one possible cause)
Tweak to hopefully help the KM app issue, but this needs some testing for those not using KM to ensure nothing funny is showing up with clicking on centered start button on Win11: for always on top taskbar in Win11 dev
Tweak to stop secondary taskbar getting 'stuck' too big and also too big when put into small mode
Users may have to change the size to another size and back again for it to take effect
Tweak to fix time/date positioning on Win11 secondary taskbar in insider builds when small taskbar mode
Tweak so unpinning an item from S11 doesn't trigger it to remove all shortcuts with that target from all S11 menu types
Clicking above/below a scrollbar in the menu now scrolls
Fix for square image painting on jumplist for Win7/modern style when on Win10 when you could pin / unpin an item instead of the correct icon
The option to always make the menu center aligned regardless of where the start button was positioned (as long as it was set to center) wasn't working when you clicked on it.
Tweak for detecting start button & taskbar on Win11 dev build so fixes issue with right-click menu and clicking start button not working on that build of Windows - initially reported here: for right click on blank space in all apps lists being able to create groups etc, likewise right-click on letter headers in all apps list
Search for S11 style (NOT s10 style) moved to out of process
Added 'Are you sure?' prompts to uninstall universal apps / delete pages
Fixed Win10\Group context menu bug. User report:;3832863Empty menu when right-clicking group name. User report:
Start11 1.1 (Released 1/12/2022)
Updated S11 1.1 to be
Fix for horizontal wheel mouse swapping pages in the wrong direction
Fixed too small icons on Win11 style (in all lists & search, just less obvious on main page as icons bigger)
Fixes for issues found by QA before Christmas (1.05 issues)
A fix for open file location not working for all shortcuts for one user
You can now rearrange fences groups and set icon size (win10 style) and it gets saved.
Also added option to lock icon positions in win10/11 menus (right click menu)
Fixed folder group icons being wrong size sometimes for Win11 menu style
Stopped you being able to drag icons into fences group from win 10 menu all apps list
This fixes some crashes with some edge cases
Makes search add priority to items you have pinned
Auto pins and unpins things when you use the OS pin to start option (may take a few seconds) plus unpins from OS menu if you unpin from S11 (Win10/11 menus only)
Adds in option to show Fences on the S11 Win10/11 menus
Improves performance of folder expansion animation and fixes deadlock potential issue with that
Removes items pinned when the user uninstalls the app (Universal apps ONLY - Win10/11 menu only too)
Fixes for some issues with the new folder groups such as not deleting when the last item was removed
Fixes for not scaling the mini icons with icon scaling options
Fixed missing icons for Minesweeper
Made it insert new group in Win10 mode in the right column if one is missing
Fixed too small icons on Win11 menu all apps list
New: Win10 and Win11 styles now support folders. You drag an icon over another icon holding down the shift key to combine them. You can also right click on the menu and pick the option to pretend shift is down in order to achieve this should you have no keyboard (say touch device).
We are not doing this like Microsoft as the Microsoft method of combining things all too often turns into chasing the target around the menu as there is natural confusion between put this icon here and make a group/folder.
New: Win10 and Win11 styles now offer a right click Icon submenu when you right click on an icon. This lets you pick a custom image which will replace the icon. Images should be square for Win11 styles and small, medium and large tile sizes on Win10 and 2:1 on Wide tiles
New: On the very first run of Start11 on a Win10 install, the existing Win10 menu will be imported for the Win10 style including folders. This will not happen for existing customers but if they wish they can import theirs by going into the registry and deleting the following keys and rebooting. Items which do not actually exist locally but are MS advertising for apps will not be imported.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Groupsand deleting this key:
Fixed issue with recent apps list having a network location in it which is not accessible causing Win11 menu to appear blank for prolonged period
Mouseover correctly shows on Win10 tiles now when they use a tile image
Surplus line at the bottom of the W7/Modern styles when in non rounded mode resolved
Tweaks to experimental tile and Universal app icon loading to better handle apps with different icons for light/dark mode
Added refresh icons option to Win10/11 menus to refresh icons should the user have changed icons via a tile editing app or due to OS icon cache changes
Reduced gap between groups on Win11 menu when icon sizes are smaller vs having a fixed size
Added option to Win11 style to load up tile images
Start11 1.01 (Released 12/9/2021)
Fix for right arrow after menu opening now goes to shutdown in Win7 style menu rather than the right-hand list in error.
Option to force the menu to align to the exact middle regardless of where the start button is
Ensured Win+ and Win- when not using S11 search do not cause search to appear (hotkeys for magnifier)
Correctly handle OS setting for always show scrollbars
Option to remove things from recent documents list on Win11 menu
Added option to hide text on a group on Win10 menu as we do on Win11 menu
Added smooth scrolling for low precision wheel mice in config
Added new strings to en.lng and en-us.lng
Fix for performance issues with animations,
Smoother scrolling with low precision mouse wheels
Holding down Winkey and launching things will now let you open more than one thing
Some fixes to experimental tile support
Added in some options in the Win10 menu settings for tile support and some user requested options.
Fix for ctrl + shift + launch opening apps as admin when run from search and also for universal apps
Resolved Start11_64.exe warning on uninstall. Also removed Start10.exe that was being left behind
Updated license_sas.txt to include Chromium Authors
Start11 1.0 (Released 11/03/2021)
Changed new to count as 2 days old not 14 for newly installed apps on Win10/11 menus
Made expanding sections in config menu have a more obvious arrow
Added indicator line on left side of config sections which have action on click (switch to new page or expand section)
Added missing offset mode on Win10 (offset only when centered start button)
Fixed issue with link in search results to webc search showing blank search when launched via keyboard vs mouse
Removed universal applications link from Win10/11 menus as relied on Win7/Modern menu having been run at least once in the current session (may come back in future)
UI tweak to workaround MS issue with Chinese font substitutions
Fixed search not factoring in date for files when generating sort order
Start buttons that are too small for the current dpi will now be scaled up
Fixed an issue with custom start button on Win11 opening up MS start menu if you clicked to the very right of it
Added some missing strings to ENG / ENG US lng files
Fixed issue with missing Run as administrator option for some apps
Fixed issue with precision touchpads and scrolling again
Fixed missing lookup for "Advanced" text in the config screen
Fixed missing lookup for Pin to taskbar and Unpin from taskbar in right-click menu
Fixed issue with autohide taskbar on Win11 sometimes making menu open and instantly close if you click on the start button
Fixed issue with being able to have folder and item mouseovered in all apps list
Found problem with Stardock Curtains and Start11 centre taskbar options. An update to Curtains is planned to resolve this.
Fixed issue with VS2019 tiles (when in experimental tile mode) being blank
Fixed it so you can scroll the Win10 list with a wheel mouse whilst dragging items to make positioning icons easier with long lists
Fixed an issue with tooltips with & in them showing a _ instead of &
Undid a change that removed UndockingDisabled registry key detection
Fixed config to detect above setting so settings which apply to Win10 show vs Win11 when on Win11
Prevented you from dragging things into the recent apps list on Win11 menu
Possible fix for installer non-western language issues reported in:
Start11 RC 4 (Released 10/28/2021)
Painting performance improvements
Folders with Chinese names should now sort the same way as applications in all apps list
Win10 style full screen now aligns tiles top. The old behavior can be enabled by setting the registry key (REG_SZ - needs creating) OffsetFullScreen10 to 1
Put in the fix for MS news and interests taskbar button causing loss of focus for Startmenu sometimes which was missing in S11 vs S10
Fixed an issue with lists sometimes showing scrolled completely off the bottom on first appearance (Win10 menu, all apps list most likely)
Fixed needing to click on the start button multiple times to make it open having opened an app from it sometimes using Win10 menu
Fixed clicking on the left-hand side of taskbar buttons on Win10 with a vertical taskbar causing start menu to open in error
Fixed clicking on left end of taskbar when taskbar is centered on Win11 causing start menu to open in error
Tweaks for blank menu on initial open sometimes
Fixed missing separator lines on Win7/Modern UI menus sometimes
Tweaked taskbar center code on Win10
Made changes to avoid a problem if focus is stolen whilst dragging things in the menus
Start11 RC 3 (Released 10/27/2021)
Fixed issue with menu not always positioning correctly when switching between displays of different dpis especially in a stacked configuration
Fixed issue with taskbar losing system tray icons on occasion on Win11
Implemented tweaks to config UI for making settings more obvious
Fixed message box when clicking on one control in the UI
Changes : Fixed issue with moving an item back to a previous page in Win11 menu showing error prompt instead of moving the itemAdded in option to move items to next and previous page in Win10 menu, previously only offered moving entire groups
Fixed issue with negative window coordinates causing menu to not open or open in the wrong place sometimes
Disabled sliding animations on contents of Win10 menu when opening it
Fixed issue with switching between displays with different dpis causing Win10 left hand list to repaint incorrectly until mouseover
Fixed issue with not closing folders in treeview list and resetting scrolling to the top of the list when you close the menu
Disabled experimental tile loading support for Win10 menu as enabled by default in error. This can be enabled via a registry key if you wish
Fixed Win10/11 and Win7/Modern menus refreshing contents more often than needed when recent apps are not shown on them
Fixed issue with tooltips not always showing on items in Win10 list when in smallest tile size (or when using a custom tile image)
Requested installer tweak to fix universal applications expanding menu being blank in some installs
Fixed issue with universal apps folder being called Modern UI Applications still on English installs
Filtered out Microsoft edge from Universal apps list as defective leftover link in OS
Fixed issue with characters which sort before 'a' breaking filter list for Win10/11 style all apps list
Improved issue with flicker of menu on screen below active screen (in stacked config) at end of animation
Fixed issue with winkey always opening menu on primary display
Updated the following languages: German, French, Russian, Portuguese - Brazil, Korean, Spanish, Chinese - Simplified, Chinese -Traditional
Fixed issue with Win10 style menu when in hide apps mode not scaling apps / tiles switching bar when changing scale mode
Enlarged page switcher bar and increased hotspot size considerably to make clicking on them easier
Made it so swipes left / right on precision touchpad act as change page in menus (when the mouse is over the list) or back when in all apps list on Win11 style.
Made it so horz wheel mice act as change page in menus
Fixed issue with menu style picker at 125% scaling being clipped
Fixed issue with app shortcuts not repainting in Win7 style mode after returning from a search
Fixed issue with Win10 style all programs list in Win7 style mode painting text as white always
Limited max-width of jumplists in menus to ensure menu widths remain sane (Vivaldi browser)
Fixed issue with pinning items from Win10 style all programs list when using Win7/Modern style
Added prompt about Win10 taskbar left or center-aligned on first run
Tweaked config preview to show centered start button when enabled on Win10
Added UNINSTALLFULL command line to Start11Config to reset Win11 on top taskbar and taskbar size settings
Fixed clicking on color option in menu instead of opening the submenu would open the submenu and then close the entire menu
Adjusted sorting of Chinese apps in Win10/11 all apps list
Fixed tooltips showing when text already fitted correctly on screen so were redundant
Fixed swapping from Win10 fullscreen to Win11 fullscreen resulted in shifting down of menu items incorrectly
Fixed auto-hide taskbar + fullscreen mode Win10/11 menus shifting offscreen
Disabled dragging to start button to pin items for Win10/11 menus as they did not support this. You can add things for those via right-click menus easier.
Fixed pin to Start11 menu option when in Search so it doesn't detect the pin state for Win7 menu when in Win10/11 style.
Fixed issue with some universal apps loading up smaller icons than ideal
Automatically imports Win11 start menu pinned items on first run (system thats not run prior Start11 versions only) to Win10 and 11 menus
Tweaked search folders to be aware of OneDrive
Fixed not being able to drag items from all apps in Win10 mode having switched to hide all apps and then back again
Fixed dragging outside of list in Win 10 mode not canceling drag correctly and acting as a drop operation
Fixed issue with Win10 style pinning always inserting at the start of the list rather than the very end
*** Added experimental option for loading up Win10 tile images. Enabled via registry only adding HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Stardock\Start8\Start8.ini\Start8\LoadTiles=1 and signing out and in again.
Altered config UI to make taskbar + start button centre options a combo box choice on Win10
Added taskbar and start button center options to start button page on Win10
Fixed text on "Control what right-clicking on the taskbar does" section on Win10 to not reference Win11
Added option for hiding search box in Win11 mode unless in search mode
Adjusted US English translation file to say have Center vs Centre now it is using those files
Fixed issue with swapped mouse buttons and clicking sometimes
Fixed first right-click menu animation being skipped on some machines
Tweak to critical section allocations
Fixed Win7/Modern style left side being blank if you switched from Win10 style with hide all apps list enabled
Fixed all programs being blank on open sometimes when in Win10 mode
Fixed an issue with touch on multiple monitors where the start menu would open on the monitor where the mouse was located rather than where the touch input was
Fixed issue with recent docs in Win11 menu with long filenames causing wrapping clipping issue
Fixed issue with all apps letter search going to the wrong location sometimes when clicked
Fixed issue with all apps letter search being able to scroll too far down
Fixed issue pressing escape whilst dragging items on menus (Win10/11 styles)
Moved Win11 substyles to drop-down box on first screen
Fixed issue with loss of focus causing the menu to stop accepting input until it is reopened if dragging was interrupted somehow
Fixed issue with dragging Win11 groups sometimes showing an insertion locations saying "Click here to name group"
Fixed issue with clicking outside an item and then dragging over an item causing that item to launch
Added in the translation files
Added option for sub groups on Win11 style menu. The originally created group on the first page cannot be deleted regardless of where you have repositioned it however.
Fixed issue with resizing Win11 menu when menu scaling was not set at 100% causing hang of menu
Fixed issue with resizing Win11 menu when menu scaling causing a sizing issue on the borders not being resized
Sub groups have icon size picker so you can have sub-lists with different icon sizes
Added option to hide labels on groups in Win11 mode via right-click menu
Added CTRL + LEFT arrow and CTRL + RIGHT arrow to swap pages in page menus
Fixed Win10/11 menu losing background texture on resize
MS Precision touchpad scrolling should work in the menus now
Fixed issue with closing menu when desktop icons were hidden and have mixed dpi and screen res setup
Added option to center the start button on Win10 like offered on Windows 11
Added in offset only if centered start button for Win10
Fixed issue with config showing rounded corners on by default for Windows10 when it was turned off
Fixed issue with center taskbar not always working on all monitors on Windows 10
Implemented smoother scrolling for non high precision wheel mice in lists
Right-click menus on Win11 menu shows highlight clearer
Added right click option to pin any file to Win10/11 menus
Added right-click option to pin any folder to Win10/11 menus
Visual tweak to right-click menus in Win10/11 menus to better space things and add shadows
Tweaked down arrow on drop downs on start menu page in settings to be bolder and larger as users missing them
Fixed issue where you could resize things so you had no scrollbar but were scrolled down and couldn't scroll back up
Win11 menu on close if in all apps list will no longer animate back to the previous page
Added compact mode to Win11 menu where border sizes are smaller
Added pin to taskbar option from right-click menus in Win10/11 menus
Added Win10 compact mode where apps list is hidden
Modified Win10 menu sizing to always size to a multiple of the grid size and allow sizing down to no columns
Fixed some broken settings icons on Win11 in search
Fixed animations for entering and leaving all apps on Win11 menu to be the correct direction
Added animations to right-click menus in Win10/11 menus
Added option to pick a custom color from a color picker for Win10 tiles if wanted
Added option for going to all apps by default (if showing all apps as separate section in Win10) or anytime for Win11
Fixed issue with pinning new items on Win10/11 menus not respecting icon size until later
Now allows Win10 groups to be rearranged leaving gaps between groups. If the group would not fit on screen then will be placed in left-most column
Start button image replacement defaults to off on Windows 11
Fixed issue with pressing down arrow not wrapping to top of the menu when menu first opened
Tweaked Win10 style margins to ensure lists fill the space fully
Fixed search for pictures showing results from the entire search library instead
Adjusted default width for Win11 menu as was too wide
Fixed issue with mouseover selection remaining on items in lists after you right-click on them
Enabled translation support in the config UI
Fixed issue where open location option was missing from right-click on some pinned items on Win10/11 menus
Changes to how Start11 starts up which should sidestep those game anti-cheat app issues
Adds fix for MS precision scrolling
Centered start button on Win10
Start11 RC 2 (Released 10/14/2021)
Tweaked quick access link popup menus to resolve an issue where they may not close on loss of focus correctly
Tweaked quick access link popup menus to not cause a menu close when closing one and opening another via clicking directly
Fixed paint issue on Win11 menu quick access links area when switching between monitors
Fixed appearance typo in config
Fixed crash introduced by some RC1 work with quick access link menus
Added support for quick access menus in Win10/11 style. They do not auto-expand on mouseover but require a click to open
Holding down shift when clicking on a quick access link that's a menu will open it as a window where possible
Added missing W filter option in all apps for Win10/11 style
Fixed issue with quick access menus not always closing on loss of focus
Fixed issue with Win10/11 apps list loading up icon for application exe vs shortcuts
Fixed issue with Win10/11 apps list not loading up multiple shortcuts to apps in some circumstances
Fixed issue with Win10/11 pinned items lists loading up app exe icon vs shortcut exe
Fixed issue with Win10/11 pinned apps not launching correct shortcut but exe instead
Added option to hide recent documents on Win11 menu style
Added option to change icon size on Win10 and Win11 menu styles
Added option to change tile color on Win10 style menu
Pressing escape when in all programs list in Win11 style menu simply goes back to the previous page now rather than closing
Fixed drag & drop offset issue in Win7/Modern menu styles
Limited Win10/11 menu size based on current screen resolution
Fullscreen mode for Win10/11 menus
Fixed Win11 menu rearranging issue where items would sometimes rearrange inconsistently especially after a lot of rearranging
Dragging on the Win11 menu no longer highlights the page title area
Fixed Win7/Modern Quick access links showing as menus will now open correctly when clicked
Prevented Win7/Modern quick access link menus popping up under the menu
Win7/Modern quick access link menus now dark mode aware
Fixed universal apps quick access menu potential crash issue
Win7/Modern quick access menus now have rounded corners when rounded menu mode is enabled
Fixed pinning from Pin to Start11 from explorer menus pinning items to first index in list for Win11 style menu.
Fixed pinning issue for Win10 menu replacing last entry in pinned list when pinned from explorer windows or search page
Added missing run as admin option on store apps which support it on Windows 10/11 menu (Terminal etc)
Internal frame rate for animations moved to 240hz
Fixed issue with mouse getting attached to the top of the menu when opening the menu with Start11 search disabled.
Fixed issue with clock and tray area missing when using custom start button on Windows 11 Dev channel builds
Fixed issue with custom start button left visible after disabling custom start button or making button centered on Windows 11 (believed to be Dev channel only again)
Fixed issue on Win11 menu where creating a new page when on a lower page number caused the page to be inserted as a group on the next page instead
Fixed issue on Win11 menu where deleting pages could cause a blank page to appear
Tweaks to button handling on Win11 when not using custom start button
Config UI now responds to touch input
Rearranging quick access shortcuts list in Win10/11 styles now saves the changes correctly
Now able to scroll menus using touch and drag items - to drag an item either drag sideways initially or hold down until you get the right-click indicator box and then drag the item if the list has a scrollbar, otherwise drag as usual.
Fixed possible crash issue when moving things on the Win10/11 grids
Adds support for wider groups in Win10 style
Fixed Win11 style to show user name as friendly name vs account name
Fixed issue with Win11 style losing shutdown button if you set Win7/Modern style to have a very high number of icons on display or lots of grid columns
Fixed quick access shortcuts showing display as menu sometimes incorrectly for Win10/11 style
Stopped jumplists showing for MS store and settings as blank
Fixed issue with being able to get multiple menu options on config appear in mouseover state
Added option to hide recently installed applications section in Win10/11 all apps list
Fixed changing icon size on Win7/modern menu requires two opens of the menu to see the change fully
Fixed desktop search carried out last so didn't always appear in results as quickly as wanted
Fixed search getting stuck in some searches
Fixed issue with taskbar at the top of the screen losing the mouse over thumbnails on one monitor if multiple monitors on Windows 11
Fixed clicking very left of the leftmost start button can open Win11 menu on Windows 11
Fixed explorer hang issue if replacing start button on computer with multiple monitors (3 ideally)
Fixed start menu open offset issue on multiple monitor setups with centered start button
Fixed Cortana search mode causing Start menu to close when renaming a group/anything else
All apps list for Win10/11 styles now also includes url files and help documents etc
Removed surplus MS edge link in all apps
Double-clicking on the style image opens the settings drop down in the config now
Start11 RC1 (Released 10/07/2021)
Adds: Windows 11 menu style complete with pages
Adds: Windows 10 menu style complete with pages
Now supports switching DPIs on the fly and mixed DPI setups better
Significantly updated UI
New taskbar features on Win11 - replace right click menu
Taskbar size
Taskbar position (top/bottom)
User configurable quick access shortcuts list (AKA places list)
Supports rearranging, custom shortcuts and places
Exposed options to turn on and off the animations, rounded corners and menu offsetting from taskbar
Adds in the new search engine
Updated rounded looks for Win7/modern looks to look better
Options to use Win11 style all programs list on Win7/Modern styles if wanted
Added compact mode for Win7/modern styles along with easy access to config options for those
Support for bigger icons on the Win7/Modern styles
Start11 Beta 1 (Released 08/31/2021)
Center taskbar buttons on Windows 10
Removed white flash on open of slider dropdowns when on Win11 in dark mode
Improved performance of opening taskbar page in config
Fixed issue with when config window is inactive, clicking on the breadcrumb bar area does not give the window focus
Config now translucent on Win11 when active and transparency enabled in the OS
Start menu less wide on high dpi setups
Edge lines in config wider in 150, 175% scaling modes
Fix for start menu closing sometimes when clicked from autohide taskbar
Fix on Win10 for issue with start menu closing on occasion due to News and Interests taskbar button
Fixed settings link on start menu not looking up translations correctly
Added Taskmanager link to right-click menu on Start11 start button when not in Win+X mode
Places list screen updated to better match new UI visuals
Blur taskbar option disabled on Win11 when operating system setting for transparency effects is disabled
Fixed slow moving of focus bar on left hand side of config when at higher dpis
Configuration screen can now be resized for smaller monitors and will gain scrollbars when required
Taskbar colour is now correctly applied when blur is disabled on Win11
Fixed taskbar alpha option to apply when OS transparency settings are disabled on Win11
Fixed taskbar alpha reset to default option to default to the correct values on Win11
Fixed resource leak when drawing menu on Windows 11
Menu now animates in and out correctly when taskbar is placed at the top of the screen on Windows 11
Menu now opens and closes correctly when the taskbar is placed at the top of the screen on Windows 11
Scaling on the right-hand side no longer double scales the shutdown button margins. The higher the dpi, the more obvious the issue would be.