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Regarding Brads new rig and a question about installing an OS on an NVME drive

Published on Wednesday, January 17, 2018 By Larsenex In Personal Computing

After reading about Brads awesome Build. I also will be building around an 8700K. My question to you folks who have done so. 

I am likely going to use an Asrok extreme 4 motherboard. 

  • z370 extreme 4 (asrok)
  • Samsung 960 Evo 250gig NVME M.2


The NVME was going only have Windows. That's it.

All that lovely space only for the bloatware that is Windows 10 Pro. Ill  have a 4 terrabyte platter drive for storage and windows folders such as downloads, my documents and 'desktop'.


My question. I have never used NVME and have read stories about it not being seen. Do I need to do anything other then 'plug it into' the motherboard? My idea of this was to install just the nvme first, get windows 'happily' installed first with all updates then add a samsung 850 EVO SSD 500 gig for games and then the 4 terrabyte drive for storage. 


Will I have problems installing and booting windows from this drive?

Any stories or experience you can share or teach me is most appreciated. Again i have experience with building computers and my horror story was to only have the ssd attached and installed first and no other drives. 

