Cosmic Chaos – 1st August 2020
Published on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 By SchismNavigator In Sins of a Solar Empire Events
Time: 1st August, 1600 UTC / 12 PM (1200) EST
Lobby Name: Cosmic Chaos
Slots: 6-10
Type: Modded PVP / PVE
It is time to play Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion! And this time we will be loading up the excellent Battlestar Galactica themed mod made by Zombierus called Fall of Kobol, which received a recent update.
Please ensure you have the baked version downloaded and running, ideally checking up to an hour before the event start time. We will aim to do a team PVP game running for roughly 2-3 hours at accelerated speeds.
We will be in voice chat on the Sins of a Solar Empire official discord server. The specific channel will be linked when we are ready for players to join.