NOW AVAILABLE: Galactic Civilizations IV v1.12 Update
Published on Thursday, March 23, 2023 By Tatiora In GalCiv IV News
Galactic Civilizations IV v1.12 update is here with fixes,
balance updates, and performance improvements
It's here: the v1.12 update for Galactic Civilizations IV! In v1.12, we focused on fixing issues, all the way from minor typo corrections to some bigger problems, like ship components that weren't working properly. Some community members also expressed confusion about why the rush button wasn't working, so we included a tool tip there that explains why it isn't available at certain times.
We also made an adjustment so that you can continue playing after a Prestige defeat, and increased the reward from the Precursor Elerium Anomaly. Finally, we improved the mod workshop so that it works much more smoothly and quickly.
Enjoy the update!
Don't have Galactic Civilizations IV yet? Get it now!
Owners, the v1.12 update is ready and waiting for you.
Galactic Civilizations IV v1.12 Changelog
- Fixed an issue with Epic store stat reporting.
- Typo fixes.
- Fixed Commander abilities that give control per battle.
- Fixed the Loireag ability to create a clone of itself.
- Fixed the ship component ability to grant crime per level (switch to a flat amount because AoE modifiers per level don't work).
- Fixed the ship component ability to grant influence per level (switch to a flat amount because AoE modifiers per level don't work).
- Fixed the ship component ability to fleet hit points per level (switch to a flat amount because AoE modifiers per level don't work).
- Fixed the ship component ability to fleet armor per level (switch to a flat amount because AoE modifiers per level don't work).
- Fixed the commander ability to grant +20% approval to worlds in range.
- Put a tooltip on the rush button explaining why rush isn't available.
- Fixed an issue where the AI can trade into negative credits.
- Fixed an issue with the Precursor Elevator and the way decay is displayed.
- Players can now continue playing after a Prestige defeat.
- Precursor Elerium Anomaly reward increased.
- The mod workshop is so much faster. (these changes are all backend and actually take effect on any version of GC4)