Gamestate now worse then ever
Published on Saturday, October 7, 2023 By Mithrilhand In Galactic Civilizations IV
I am playing GalCiv4 for months now and it is really fun.
The lateste update 1.95 made several things really broken. And it is harder than ever to play it now.
I play a custom synthetic race with Yor as Citizen and Synthetic trait.
In detail:
I have Conquest Starships choosen as my Starfleet type and 2 of them have Legions (are transporters - as you designed so).
If I put them in a military starbase it is not possible to get the ships with legions out again. They are stuck in the base forever.
Same race as above. I can exchange techs with the others (single player). But it seems that I can also exchange techs which I cannot research myself (cultural outreach, hydoponics, Xeno Agriculture).
When I do so, I have nothing from this and more worse, I cannot see, that I have this techs and even worse, the AI (the other players) still over me this techs to trade.
Please fix this. I could beta test this for you, since I have save games to test it.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Glad that you at last made it possbile to remove orbital slots. But when I remove it, then the building (including the slot) is gone forerver (would be nice if the slot would still be there, to build something else there)
I wanted to conquer the xeloxi. Which is not possible. They have the legendary ship Ladgerda on theier home world (75% chance to escape). I attacked it over hundred times (for real), but it survived every time. So it is impossible for me to conquer this planet.
75 % should be 75 % and not 100 %!