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Start11 multi-monitor question (or possibly feature request)

Published on Saturday, February 1, 2025 By cbarnstdk In Personal Computing

I'm a long time Start11 user, currently running version 2.51 on Windows 11 Pro 24H2 (and happy to say I'm not noticing any problems at the moment with either Start 11 or 24H2).  I'm on a two-monitor system.  One thing that has always bothered me is that when opening a program from the start menu, they seem to primarily open on the main monitor; some will open on whatever monitor they were last run on which might be internal behavior to those programs.  What I'd prefer is that a program open on the same monitor that the start menu was activated from - i.e. if I open the start menu from my secondary monitor and run a program, I'd like the program to open on the secondary monitor.

Is there a setting I've overlooked to force that to happen?  If not, is that something Start11 could take as a feature request for a future release?  I think it would be much more intuitive.
